pretty happy, i think i'm gonna start typing the book on the computer.
i don't know i think it's a bit soon.
i feel like if i start typing it i'm gonna lose something.
when i'm writing it's strraight from my mind to the paper, when i'm typing i stop
and think. the keyboard ends up being the middle man.
i dunno, maybe i'm tweakin.
today is tuesday the office comes on tonight.
wow so this whole family continues to try and start shit with me,
my aunt's here. and i'm trying not to let it bother me. first off she grabs the comforter off the couch and proceeds to throw it on the ground.
then yells at me when the kids start giving each other chariot rides with that same comforter that SHE placed on the floor.
i told her, you were the one who threw the comforter on the floor, while i fold it up.
here's the facebook message i receieved from my cousin preditta:
Hello Brittany
I wondered why u didn't make it to your granmma's 80th bday party. That wasn't cool! I actually think it was selfish. I know u have issues with ur mom but this was more important especially since u are staying in her house when she isn't supposed to have anyone doing that. People have said that u are ungrateful. I didn't think so but now I wonder. I do think that u need to evaluate the decisions u are making and their long term impact.
I say all this to say I am really disappointed in you not that it matters. I hope in time whatever u are going through will end and you figure things out. If you can call me if u want but if not I understand (well I don't but clinically it makes sense, sorry I am a therapist by trade).
On a side not I want to tell u once gramma goes to honduras in july u won't be able to stay at her place. Sorry to tell u this way but I lost ur number.
I wondered why u didn't make it to your granmma's 80th bday party. That wasn't cool! I actually think it was selfish. I know u have issues with ur mom but this was more important especially since u are staying in her house when she isn't supposed to have anyone doing that. People have said that u are ungrateful. I didn't think so but now I wonder. I do think that u need to evaluate the decisions u are making and their long term impact.
I say all this to say I am really disappointed in you not that it matters. I hope in time whatever u are going through will end and you figure things out. If you can call me if u want but if not I understand (well I don't but clinically it makes sense, sorry I am a therapist by trade).
On a side not I want to tell u once gramma goes to honduras in july u won't be able to stay at her place. Sorry to tell u this way but I lost ur number.
After i read it i laughed, but that's not the point. One, I live with my grandma so I saw her on her birthday and let her a week before that I would not be able to attend her birthday party, so it was no surprise to her that i wasn't there. Two, her birthday party was at my mother's house. Why would i go there right now, I'm not ready and did not feel that my mother, nor the rest of my family would've been able to make it through the whole night without and issue/argument starting. If they tell you otherwise they're liars, and are lying. I know them, and myself and at least I'm being honest in saying that. And, if it wasn't my mother that started with me, it would've been one of my big mouth aunts, or cousins.
i've been reading tales of ordinary madness even though i still haven't finished pulp though i'm about 40 pages away from being done. bukowski, is definitely inspiration. i talked to sisco today.
yungfrisko (11:43:52 AM) : HEY!!!
Auto Response from eFFiNxDoRk (11:43:53 AM) : take my breath away.
Auto Response from eFFiNxDoRk
eFFiNxDoRk (11:43:56 AM) : yo
eFFiNxDoRk (11:43:59 AM) : hahah
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:00 AM) : what's up
yungfrisko (11:44:07 AM) : HAPPY BDAY!!!
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:16 AM) : oh my
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:19 AM) : thank youuuuu
yungfrisko (11:44:31 AM) : how old are you now?
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:34 AM) : 19
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:35 AM) : haha
yungfrisko (11:44:37 AM) : 40 something?
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:39 AM) : hhahahhaah
eFFiNxDoRk (11:44:51 AM) : what are you up to?
yungfrisko (11:45:01 AM) : at the office
eFFiNxDoRk (11:45:07 AM) : mmmmmmmmm true
yungfrisko (11:45:09 AM) : sending music to the blogs
eFFiNxDoRk (11:45:13 AM) : truee
eFFiNxDoRk (11:45:26 AM) : i really like your blog.
yungfrisko (11:45:39 AM) : Why thank you.
eFFiNxDoRk (11:45:46 AM) : hahah your welcome.
eFFiNxDoRk (11:45:57 AM) : sooooo
eFFiNxDoRk (11:46:02 AM) : what are you up to this summer.
yungfrisko (11:46:56 AM) : i might be going on a 4-6 state tour.
eFFiNxDoRk (11:47:04 AM) : oooo really
yungfrisko (11:47:11 AM) : its not official yet. but i might be.
eFFiNxDoRk (11:47:18 AM) : which states are you thinking of
yungfrisko (11:49:25 AM) : ny, ohio, gorgia,illinois
eFFiNxDoRk (11:49:33 AM) : okkk okkk
eFFiNxDoRk (11:49:44 AM) : well i think you should do it.
eFFiNxDoRk (11:49:45 AM) : hhhaha
eFFiNxDoRk (11:49:48 AM) : that's just my opinion
yungfrisko (11:50:12 AM) : if everything goes right i def will.
eFFiNxDoRk (11:50:16 AM) : tur
eFFiNxDoRk (11:50:17 AM) : e
yungfrisko (11:50:42 AM) : Sup with you? what your summer looking like?
eFFiNxDoRk (11:51:53 AM) : working, making money, and writing my book/ movie hopefully it'll be finished by the end the summer. that's the goal.
yungfrisko (11:52:11 AM) : ooo i like movies.
yungfrisko (11:52:16 AM) : what kind?
eFFiNxDoRk (11:52:19 AM) : hahah you'll like this one alot
eFFiNxDoRk (11:53:18 AM) : it's a dirty drama/comedy/bromance selfwritten self edited autobiography haha
eFFiNxDoRk (11:54:37 AM) : a better juno, without the pregnancy just the style of the movie
eFFiNxDoRk (11:54:37 AM) : haha
yungfrisko (11:55:32 AM) : lol
yungfrisko (11:55:49 AM) : it'll be a fair portrayal im sure
eFFiNxDoRk (11:55:56 AM) : oh it will
eFFiNxDoRk (11:55:56 AM) : hahah
eFFiNxDoRk (11:57:47 AM) : i mean i've decided that writing is what i want to do. this book is gonna make or break me so i mean i'm putting everything i have into it. but i dunno i feel like it's what i was meant to do.
yungfrisko (11:58:39 AM) : have you been writing?
eFFiNxDoRk (12:00:15 PM) : yeah
eFFiNxDoRk (12:00:18 PM) : everyday
yungfrisko (12:00:32 PM) : whats the book about?
eFFiNxDoRk (12:03:05 PM) : everything, metco, my parents, being a runaway, stealing, depression, high school, drugs, fame, honduras, boys, sex, music, the comic strip, the list goes on of things that are discussed.
yungfrisko (12:03:39 PM) : Can i help?
eFFiNxDoRk (12:03:47 PM) : yes yes if you'd like
yungfrisko (12:04:21 PM) : i dont know how i could, but if theres any way i could, let me know.
eFFiNxDoRk (12:04:29 PM) : i will
eFFiNxDoRk (12:04:31 PM) : i will
eFFiNxDoRk (12:05:05 PM) : promo hello, help the vision, i can send you pieces of it once i start to type it up you can be my honest opinion.
eFFiNxDoRk (12:05:11 PM) : that would be a really big help
yungfrisko (12:06:23 PM) : ight bet.
yungfrisko (12:06:40 PM) : save my email address (frskpurple@gmail.com)
eFFiNxDoRk (12:06:48 PM) : ok
yungfrisko (12:16:09 PM) : one more thing
eFFiNxDoRk (12:16:12 PM) : yeah
yungfrisko (12:16:24 PM) : im havin a partyfor my 21st
yungfrisko (12:16:31 PM) : at the end of this month
eFFiNxDoRk (12:16:33 PM) : awwwwww
eFFiNxDoRk (12:16:36 PM) : yay1!!!1
eFFiNxDoRk (12:16:38 PM) : i'll be ther
eFFiNxDoRk (12:17:10 PM) : tell me the date
eFFiNxDoRk (12:17:11 PM) : oooo
eFFiNxDoRk (12:17:13 PM) : i'm so excited
eFFiNxDoRk (12:17:14 PM) : haha
yungfrisko (12:18:18 PM) : the party is on the 30th
eFFiNxDoRk (12:18:21 PM) : ok
yungfrisko signed off at 12:20:58 PM.
i gotta go my computer is still broken i suppose.
fuck everyone.
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