my eyes and my lungs get kinda heavy.
my bones ache hard and my flow stays steady.
and my speech get slow
and my nerve tempo, enroll
recruit, follow
a ghost, she haunts.
detest. freeze off. retract. reject.
mona’s wedding was
i suppose, reckon, imagine, guess, believe, consider , i thought.
afflicted. inspection.
lack of perception.
is but a reflection.
they encourage, they consultate.
seriously speculate.
never content. stimulate.
inquire, dispute,
immersed enraptured,
into trifle.
frivilous nature.
abstain. withhold.
crooked reinforcement.
they dissapate. tieing three string laces.
ground work.
bed rock.
disfigured, unfinished.
bedtime talk.
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