and you will understand so much,
and think of the adolescent years.
and just everything.
and you will just be happy,
because you'll think of that one good memory,
or just stand out thing. and you'll smile.
in brittany news:
because i feel like i'm rarely postin about myself now. i do write, alot however.
today's entry will be blessed with another one of a soon to be track.
oh i'm serious. i can't believe how serious i am about creating this music.
and this book, and just this life for myself. lately, it's been alright actually.
i talked to my dad who i should i definitely call today. and talked to g which made me happy. i haven't showered, which should definitely be done.
hahha. eww. probably too much information. but i can say whatever the fuck i want.
my mother once again has made an vocal appearance in my life. what i mean is that she has called danielle's mom and yelled at her about why she was letting me stay here? that i'm looking a mess.
-i'd like to say this is so untrue.
just fucking up overall, that i've always had a home to come to. blah blah blah.
and this is what i have to say.
relax, take it easy.
i think it's time you move on from stressing about me.
i am 19 years old, and i'm on a path.
no mother no down a path of destruction, as you love to say.
i refuse to consciously put myself in a place where i feel i am a prisoner.
no it is not that i want to be out in the streets all hours of the night, doing whatever i want. it's just that i am not a child and when you tell me that i am to be home when you say so no matter what. even if it means 11:00pm and i don't have school, or anything to do for the next 3 days.
or what about school vacation, not then either.
if i wasn't treated like a middle schooler, i still would'nt be going back to your house.
you are possessive, obsessive, everything is YOUR WAY. YOU. YOU. YOU.
i did this, this is my house, my room is not your room.
why did you have me, give me anything if you didn't want it to be mine?
i am so like you when it comes to the possession, and obsession.
you like it your way.
and i go my way.
because i'm me.
and that's what you never understood, or wanted to understand.
you just pushed it off as confusion.
but me i am not confused.
i am certain.
i am right.
i'm sorry that you didn't like it that i flipped you off the day i left the house, but in all honesty, in that moment, and many moments before that, that's how i felt.
and i decided to express myself. in a way that i had never before, so you could understand just how much i meant what i said.
and i'm sorry, but that's the truth.
i love you mother.
but you don't get how much you have hurt me.
and this is public so i will not go into details, though i don't need to.
i am not past it, and i cannot say when i will be.
you just didn't appreciate the beautiful child that you had.
because i wasn't what you expected.
i was more. that's not arrogance. it's truth. you didn't get me.
but to me you didn't try to. you shut me out, and pushed me away at the vital times.
you misjudged many things. so i lied. i'm too old for that now. and you just never move on.
but me i do move on. and i am moving on.
but i love you always and forever mother.
you gave me life.
in ri ri and drake news:
On the day it was announced that Rihanna was subpoenaed to testify against ex-boyfriend Chris Brown at a June 22 hearing into his assault case, the "Umbrella" singer hit the town with friends – including Aubrey "Drake" Graham, the Canadian rapper to whom she's recently been linked.
The pair were spotted smooching on May 18 at Lucky Strike Lanes & Lounge in Manhattan. On Wednesday night, Rihanna and Graham laughed and chatted at a bash for the Black Eyed Peas' Target deluxe version of their album, The E.N.D., held at the N.Y.C. nightspot The Griffin.
Rihanna – looking stunning in a light grey sweater dress and large hoop earrings – arrived at The Griffin shortly after 11:30 p.m. and stayed nearly two hours. Drake left a bit earlier – only to wait outside the club's front doors. Both he and Rihanna drove off at the same time, in separate vehicles. While in the club, a happy-looking Rihanna, 21, appeared to be enjoying herself, holding court in a banquette to the left of the stage, where will.i.am DJ-ed the party – and gave an affectionate shout-out to Rihanna when she entered the club. Besides mingling with fellow guest Wilmer Valderrama, Rihanna also walked hand-in-hand up to the DJ booth with Fergie.
As for entertainment, Fergie and the Peas performed "Meet Me Halfway," "Now Generation" and "Electric City" from their new album, while Will.i.am played a range of songs, including "Pump Up The Jam," "American Boy" and "Show Me Love." For her part, Rihanna bobbed her head to the music, danced a little and lip-synced "American Boy."
channing tatum is yummy:
This sounds like the kind of story we'd usually hear coming from Fox, but this time it's Paramount. A user on the Don Murphy Message Boards (via Latino Review) has posted an unverified story detailing a behind-the-scenes fiasco regarding the upcoming G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra movie. You can read their full write-up below, but in essence they're claiming that director Stephen Sommers was fired and locked out of the editing room mid-way through post-production by a Paramount exec named Brad Weston. And that's just the start, as he goes on to explain everything that has transpired since Sommers was supposedly fired.
There's so much to this, that it's best to just read through it as it was written originally. So I've included the full post from the message boards below. Take a look below and see if it sounds too good to be true or not.
After a test screening wherein the film tested the lowest score ever from an audience in the history of Paramount, the executive who pushed for the movie Brad Weston had Stephen Sommers, the super hack director of the film fired. Removed. Locked out of the editing room.
Stuart Baird, a renowned "fixer" editor was brought it to try to see if it could be made releasable. Meanwhile producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura whose turkey IMAGINE THAT explodes this weekend as the new bomb in theatres (also championed by Weston) was told his services were no longer needed on the film either.
Sommers was then forced by his William Morris agents to pretend that he was working on Tarzan over at Warner Brothers doing design work, even though that film doesn't even have a good script yet. When word of the firing started to be whispered about in Hollywood, Sommers was summoned back to the editing room - but only to save appearances, Baird is still editing the movie with studio input.
Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner, who turned down other offers from the property to go with the script that was rushed in 8 weeks by Stuart Beattie because of the writer's strike, is frantic that this will destroy the brand and is distancing himself from the pending catastrophe.
NONE of this needed to happen, except someone who did not know the mythology, Lorenzo was in charge of the film and never contradicted Sommers on anything. Lorenzo, so you know, was Chairman of Warners and had GI JOE under option there (not as a producer) for SEVEN years and he refused to greenlight the film, stating that because he grew up in Italy he had no knowledge of it. If you Google enough, at one point you will see he wanted the film to be about an action hero named MANN (Action Man, get it) and he clearly had no clue what the GI Joe world really was.
And the hapless hack Sommers? Where did he come from? The confused Jon Fogelman at William Morris, who signed Hasbro away from CAA, had to find a director in a hurry for his new clients and gave him the only guy who he repped who would do it. A sad end to what COULD have been a great franchise. Acceleration suits indeed.
Almost all of this checks out, except that according to IMDb, Sommers is now repped by Rob Carlson at William Morris, not Jon Fogelman. But that bit about Action Man is legit and so are all the other names.
If you thought that trailer looked terrible, now you know why. Or now we at least know what's going on. Who knows if Baird will be able to salvage this. Who knows if this story is even true at all. Unfortunately, I think those stupid accelerator suits can be edited out by any "fixer." It's sad that this happens in Hollywood, but that's just how cutthroat crazy it is here. This isn't the first time we've heard a story like this - I remember the fiasco surrounding Live Free or Die Hard a few years ago. But it's unfortunate to see a studio like Paramount, who has had a great reputation the last few years, get hit with these kinds of problems.
I'm actually not surprised to hear that G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra scored so poorly at a test screening. Everything I've seen has looked awful - I haven't enjoyed a single second of any of the footage I've watched (remember this?). I fear that this is going to be a huge embarrassment for Paramount in the end, which is quite a shame, because they don't deserve this. But as George Roush says, "that's what happens when you put people on a project they know nothing about." He says he's heard that most of this is true, which is, again, not surprising. Let's just say I don't expect August 7th to be a very memorable day for Paramount.
megan fox news:
i really have to say i feel bad for megan fox. because she knows that she only gets casted for her beauty and not her talent. millions of guys paying money not to hear megan fox, but to see megan fox and her fucking body. it sucks, i think she's super fucked up, and super depressed. i'd be too. and like tbqh wtf can she do about it?
she's playing a prostitute in jonah hex.
and here's an interview for you:
As star-is-born moments go, Megan Fox's was a doozy. About 25 minutes into 2007's Transformers, the curvy sex bomb, dressed in a denim miniskirt and a cropped tank top revealing miles of midriff, leaned over the engine of Shia LaBeouf's car. Folks might have walked in expecting to see the Autobots and Decepticons, but they walked out talking about...that girl. Now the 23-year-old Tennessee native is reprising her role as brassy Mikaela Banes in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (due June 24), and has two more films on the way. Off screen, she's graced numerous magazine covers in come-hither poses, unleashing the kinds of provocative quotes that give publicists cardiac infarctions. Not that that's shutting her up. When we met up with Fox poolside in Los Angeles last week, she greeted us in a bikini top under a white T-shirt, snug sweatpants, and dark aviator sunglasses.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Transformers turned you into an overnight star. Looking back, how do you feel about the movie?
MEGAN FOX: I'm terrible in it. It's my first real movie and it's not honest and not realistic. The movie wasn't bad, I just wasn't proud about what I did.
What percentage of your range have people seen so far?
Seven percent. On the new one, I tried. But unless you're a seasoned veteran, working with Michael Bay is not about an acting experience.
What was it like the first time you worked with him?
I was actually an extra on Bad Boys II [in 2003]. There's a club scene, and I was one of the club kids. I was in a stars-and-stripes bikini and a cowboy hat, dancing under a waterfall.
Wait, what?
Yeah, I was still in ninth grade. I liked it at the time, because I was getting out of school. So I was like, F--- yeah, I don't care! And I got paid extra because if you allow them to put water on you, you get paid extra. I got probably $600.
How did you feel about being sexualized like that when you were 15?
I thought it was awesome. I was going to a Christian high school and I wasn't a feminist yet. I hadn't sat back and analyzed society yet. I was 15! I just did what I was told to do.
What did your parents think?
My mom was with me! I was always übersexual, so she wasn't shocked. I was always wearing the smallest clothes I could find. I would go to the mall like that — in a short, short skirt and a giant wedge heel. That's what you do when you're a teenage girl in a small town.
Were you rebellious as a teen?
I would steal my mom's car because I was always grounded and she would never drive me anywhere.
When you were how old?
[Laughs] Fourteen.
You're a bigger star now than when you did the first Transformers. Did they beef up your role in the sequel?
The humans are still secondary to the robots because it's a movie about robots. I feel like the part is adequate. I feel like we do something that's watchable on our end and then ILM makes it phenomenal.
You don't sound convinced that this is the greatest movie on earth.
It's not trying to be the greatest movie on earth. It's going to be the best action movie of the summer. Hands down, it will win that. But it's not trying to be a Golden Globe-nominated film. It's a badass popcorn summer movie.
You up for a third Transformers?
Sure. I mean, I can't s--- on this movie because it did give me a career and open all these doors for me. But I don't want to blow smoke up people's ass. People are well aware that this is not a movie about acting. And once you realize that, it becomes almost fun because you can be in the moment and go, ''All right, I know that when he calls Action! I'm either going to be running or screaming, or both.''
Are you happy with the kinds of roles you're getting offered now?
I get offered some outrageous s---, like Bikini Summer Camp Island, or whatever.
Do you think you're a good actress?
I think I could be. If I really buckle down, I think one day I could be a very good actress. But so far, I haven't done anything yet.
Then why are people so obsessed with you and hiring you for movies?
I can't figure that out. I mean, Transformers made $700 million and that opened a door to introduce this ''new girl,'' and I happened to be such an outrageous personality that people wanted to start writing about me because it was deemed controversial. I think if I had been a typical Hollywood actress and I said all the right things and I had been a publicity android, it wouldn't have escalated to this level.
Is all the attention mysterious?
Yes. I don't feel like I had to climb a ladder, so it doesn't feel like I've earned it.
When you were growing up and wanting to be an actress, you must have wanted to be famous one day, right?
Well, yeah, because that's how you measure success in Hollywood, really. But you have no idea what this life is like until you are living it. I used to sit back and think, ''Please, Britney Spears has the best life ever — she has everything she could ever want!'' But she has one of the worst lives. Her life is a living f---ing nightmare. I have panic attacks thinking about her life.
The paparazzi follow you, too.
Well, I don't have it as bad as some people. I'm thankful that it's still at this level. It will either get better or it will get worse. And hopefully by the time it gets worse, I'll be making enough so that I can have a f---ing security team to get me in and out of places.
That sounds depressing.
But that's what the industry is, and I got myself into it. I don't regret it because I couldn't be doing anything else.
You've only done a couple of movies, so you're still mostly known as a sex symbol rather than an actress.
It doesn't bother me. I don't know why someone would complain about that. That just means that the bar has been set pretty low. People don't expect me to do anything that's worth watching. So I can only be an overachiever. I think all women in Hollywood are known as sex symbols. That's what our purpose is in this business. You're merchandised, you're a product. You're sold and it's based on sex. But that's okay. I think women should be empowered by that, not degraded.
Do you think you're good-looking?
Well, I'm clearly not ugly.
And you've got a lot of confidence.
I think most people are extremely insecure. As far as girls go, I have a really badass personality. I'm smart and I can be really funny and interesting and I can go toe-to-toe with anybody in a conversation. So I'm not afraid to speak, and I think that's what people read as this überconfidence. I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it.
You've said you don't have to use big words in interviews just to show you're smart, like Scarlett Johansson does.
That was taken out of context. It made it sound like I was suggesting she's pretentious. She's clearly book-smart and she allows people to see that every time she opens her mouth. And I was suggesting that for me to do that — people would receive it as though I was being pretentious. Not that she was! I would never talk s--- about her.
There are some actresses who started out as sex symbols and went on to serious careers. Is that your goal?
Like who?
Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron...
Angelina Jolie was always a Method actress. She'd been nominated for Golden Globes before she ever did Tomb Raider.
Okay, well, do you think you have a Monster in you down the road?
I think that I'm so psychotic and so mentally ill that if I could tap into that I could do something really interesting.
There have been a lot of comparisons between you and Angelina Jolie.
I think it's a lack of creativity on the media's part. Because I have tattoos and dark hair and I was in an action movie? That's as far as the similarities extend. I'm not the next anyone.
You've said you're afraid of her.
I was joking! She always seems otherworldly in her power and her confidence. I'm sure she has no idea who I am. But if I were her, I'd be like, ''Who the f--- is this little bulls--- brat who was in Transformers that's going to be the next me?'' I don't want to meet her; I'd be embarrassed.
Women seem to have an issue with you. Do you get that impression?
Sure, for the same reason they didn't like me in high school. I come across as confident and they assume that means that I think I'm hot s---. And that makes them feel bad about themselves and so they hate me.
How did you feel when topless photos of you from your next movie, Jennifer's Body, were published online?
Well, I wasn't topless. I had booby stickers on. They make these silicone stickers that go on over your nipple. If I'd been actually topless, I would have sued someone. But that's a really unfortunate thing that happened. I know who [alerted the paparazzi] and I never did anything about it. It's her karma to deal with, not mine.
There was also a photo of you in a crazy corset on the set of Jonah Hex.
That wasn't even laced up all the way.
Why? Because it looked crazy small?
Yeah. You looked like an alien.
[Laughs] When we did the screen test, it was laced up all the way and people were concerned for me because it looked like some circus-freak s---.
Are you missing ribs?
No. [Laughs] I just have a small-ass waist. My waist was 22 inches before we put the corset on, and we got it down to 19.
Earlier this afternoon, you mentioned Brian Austin Green. There are always rumors about you guys.
Brian and I are not engaged, because when you're engaged, your goal is marriage. And I don't think that's a realistic goal for me right now. I know I'm not capable at this point in my life of being a good partner or a good wife. That's like a joke. We're sort of trying to figure out what our relationship is.
He's older than you. And you've said younger guys are a waste of time.
I don't understand why people don't have a f---ing sense of humor. Always assume that I'm being sarcastic. Like when I said those things about High School Musical. I didn't really mean that it's about pedophilia. But if you get high and you watch it, that is what that f---ing movie is about!
Did you watch that high?
Yes, and it blew my mind.
You also said that when you go to Hollywood parties you feel like chum to these creepy older guys...
I notice them circling me and deciding what their plan of attack is going to be, and I think that's because I have this image of this little sex kitten — this oversexed wild child. So they think that I'm ready to throw down. And so everybody wants to try and, like, get in there. And I'm actually not that way at all.
Your first film was the 2001 Olsen twins straight-to-DVD movie Holiday in the Sun. Have you watched it lately?
Oh, f--- no! I would kill myself!
You were also in 2004's Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen with Lindsay Lohan. What was she like back then?
That was pre-nightmare. We didn't get along, but we were, like, 17, so of course we didn't get along. Girls are catty; they don't like each other.
Looking ahead, where would you like to see your career in five years? What's the best-case scenario?
If I'm still making Transformers five years from now, I might not be so überexcited. But there's nothing specific that I need to accomplish. I just want to still be working.
What's the worst-case scenario?
Umm...that I'd be on The Hills?
Chris Pine or R.Pattz: Who Plays Lance Armstrong?
Lance Armstrong is finally getting his own biopic, says the Hollywood Reporter's Risky Business blog. The film will focus on Armstrong's pretabloid triumphs, including beating testicular cancer and winning his first Tour de France.
Can't wait. Let the Tour de Lance begin, to see which Hollywood actor has what it takes to play the cycling legend: Chris Pine? Robert Pattinson? McConaughey? Gyllenhaal?
she has a brain.
and she is sweet.
i'd read her book.
wow, i'd read her book.
Lauren Conrad officially kicked off the second phase of her career last night (June 10).
Joined by her sidekick Lo Bosworth, the former reality TV starlet attended the LA Candy by Lauren Conrad book launch party at the Thompson Hotel in Beverly Hills. The celeb-void event was sponsored by Vogue Eyewear and Sunglass Hut.
In her first novel and her collaborator tells the story of Jane Roberts, a young beauty most notable for her sweet nature and innocence. She eventually packs up and moves to L.A. with her BFF from kindergarten, the gorgeous, smart–mouthed Scarlett. After only a few nights out on the town, the duo are swept up by a producer making a new reality show. Talk about an original and totally fictional plot line!
With two more books to come, LC has a lot more literary genius to offer her young fans. The only question is — will they buy her book? We’ll find out soon when L.A. Candy hits book shelves on June 16.
i say no no no no no!
Lynn Harless, mama to pop idol Justin Timberlake, doesn't want to be an “old grandmother”, reports FOXNews.com, and is pushing her son to hurry up with the baby making. Justin's long time girlfriend Jessica Beil is feeling like a watched pot.
Jessica, 27, is much more interested in her career these days, telling Allure magazine that she has “no idea” if she wants to marry Justin, 28. Thankfully, her boyfriend seems to have taken her side and has apparently told his mother to “cut it out” on several occasions.
Harless, who was just 20-years-old when she had Justin thinks that his career has been so successful, he should now be focusing on “other things.”
for laughs:
This Ain’t Star Trek XXX, has hit # 1 on the AVN charts! This means Hustler has the # 1 porno in the world! It’s been a whirlwind of blogs, magazines, adult sites, and even some television press. The nation of geeks set the internet on fire with pictures, quotes, and their take on the space spoof. While industry reviewers were knocking down our door, eager to get their hands and eyes on the movie. All agree that This Ain’t Star Trek XXX lives up to the hype! With a superstar cast, amazing sets and an entire bonus disc dedicated to all of the behind-the-scenes goodies, this title is the ultimate treat for viewers from A to Z! This Ain’t Star Trek XXX boasts a stellar cast, including Evan Stone as Captain James T. Kirk, Tony De Sergio as Mr. Spock and Jada Fire as Uhura, as well as Cheyne Collins as Dr. McCoy, Anthony Rosano as Scotty, Ero Sennin as Sulu and Codi Carmichael as Nurse Christine Chapel. There are provocative performances by Sasha Grey and Jenna Haze, plus Aurora Snow and Nick Manning as Khan!
the proposal:
What are some things about Sandra Bullock you wouldn't know just by looking at her? "She's a catalog of old hip-hop tunes – it's incredible," reveals her Proposal costar Ryan Reynolds. "And she looks terrific naked."
The longtime pals – they even vacation together with spouses Jesse James, 40, and Scarlett Johansson, 24 – let it all hang out in the romantic comedy, out June 19, in which they play a boss from hell and her long-suffering assistant whose relationship changes when she schemes to avoid deportation to her native Canada. Bullock, 44, and Reynolds, 32, sat down with PEOPLE to laugh about the movie, each other and about baring it all.
You've known each other for a while. How has fame changed Ryan?
Bullock: The person I met years ago [through a friend] is the same person sitting next to me now. No change in the humility, talent, kindness. He could've become an ass----. But not a damn thing has changed, other than that his bikes get more expensive.
Reynolds: I think you have to start that way. Fame only amplifies a certain disposition.
Bullock: I agree. Unless you're a child in the industry and that's all you know. That's a sad, sad thing.
Reynolds: There's nothing worse than hearing a 6-year-old demand Voss water. I've seen it.
You and Jesse and Scarlett are all close. Why do you get along so well?
Reynolds: [To Bullock] I love that your marriage – and forgive the ineloquence here – is not for sale.
Bullock: We're very similar in that way. There's an honor and a level of integrity that exists in their home that I really admire ... [To Reynolds] I'm just happy you found a good human being. They both take excellent care of each other and they're honorable, beautiful people.
Speaking of beauty, you two are quite naked in that one scene. How was it to film?
Bullock: I'd never done one before. [To Reynolds] You?
Reynolds: I've done a couple where I've ... yeah, a little bit.
Bullock: Were they like sex scenes?
Reynolds: I don't think I've ever done one that wasn't supposed to be funny.
It's not just a nude scene. You're literally smushed up against each other.
Reynolds: Yeah – nudity and stunts. Not usually synonymous.
Comfort level aside, you'd cover up between takes, right?
Reynolds: I wasn't grazing at the snack bar without pants.
Bullock: Next to [costar] Betty White.
Reynolds: Yeah, I didn't go have lunch with Betty.
Pop quiz: what's his or her drink of choice?
Bullock: Whiskey – an old-school man drink.
Reynolds: Sandy will drink a glass of red wine. And not like the crazy expensive kind.
How does he or she take coffee?
Bullock: He takes his with cream or milk.
Reynolds: She's a green tea girl.
So working together was a good experience?
Reynolds: This kind of chemistry and fireworks ... there's nothing you can do to manufacture it, or edit it together. It's just there or it's not. And to have that every day was literally like driving a Ferrari around on set.
poor willy:
One big-budget box office disappointment does not usually signal the end of a movie star's reign. The woeful under performance of Land of the Lost has observers looking for someone to blame, however, and Will Ferrell is under suspicion. Writing in the Los Angeles Times, columnist Patrick Goldstein suggests: "He's in danger of becoming the comedy equivalent of George Clooney, someone who enjoys a great deal of goodwill but who isn't actually a real movie star."
Goldstein doesn't provide his definition of a "real movie star," but in the context of his column, it clearly is all about the ability to open a big tent pole production to big box office numbers. Goldstein claims: "The verdict in Hollywood: Ferrell hasn't done a good job of managing his brand. [Adam] Sandler is the master of dumb hijinks. Eddie Murphy has become a cuddly family star. But who is Will Ferrell? No one knows anymore."
The theory is that Ferrell made his bones playing "the stupid guy" in a string of raunchy comedies (Old School, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy,(hdu) Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby) but hasn't been accepted when it's branched out (Melinda and Melinda, Bewitched, Stranger Than Fiction). Ferrell evidently plays another "stupid guy" in Land of the Lost, but it wasn't sufficiently outrageous for the teen/20s crowd, who flocked to The Hangover, and was too potentially scary for families, who returned to Up.
Why did you skip Land of the Lost? Confused by the marketing? Burned out on Will Ferrell? Do you want to see him return to raunchy, R-rated comedies -- like The Hangover?
Duel continued from last week:
Mj vs Brad.... Brad won.
Anessa vs Tori... Aneessa won.
Second duel:
Landon vs Brad.... Brad won.
Diem vs. Brittini... Brittini won.
THIRD PLACE ($15,000)
Anessa & Mark
SECOND PLACE ($35,000)
Brittini & Brad
FIRST PLACE ($100,000)
Rachel & Evan
source: me & my tv.
David Letterman is in the hot seat for several crude jokes he made on CBS' "The Late Show" about Sarah Palin and her teenage daughter.
Letterman, in his monologue Monday night, noted that the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate attended a Yankees game during a trip to New York City, where she was honored by a special needs group. Letterman referred to Palin, Alaska's governor, as having the style of a "slutty flight attendant."
The "Late Show" host also took a shot Palin's daughter, while poking fun at the Yankees' third baseman.
“One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”
The backlash was almost immediate, with Palin's supporters denouncing the CBS host for making jokes that many said were sexist and for what they called an unfair attack on the governor and her family.
“I think that calling the former vice presidential candidate a slut or saying that her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez, I think everyone can agree that’s over the line,” Washington Examiner correspondent Byron York told FOX News’ Greta Von Susteren.
But an even more disturbing fact, which Letterman may not have known, was that the daughter who accompanied Palin on her trip to New York was 14-year-old Willow — not 18-year-old Bristol, the unwed mother of Palin's first grandchild.
Now, many critics — including the Palins themselves – are slamming Letterman for jokes that they say make light of sexual abuse of an underage girl.
In a statement to FOXNews.com, Palin accused Letterman of making "sexually perverted" and “inappropriate" comments that she doubted he would “ever dare make” about anyone else’s daughter.
"Acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others," she said.
Palin's husband, Todd, echoed her sentiments, telling FOXNews.com, "Any ‘jokes’ about raping my 14-year-old are despicable. Alaskans know it, and I believe the rest of the world knows it, too."
A representative for “The Late Show” declined to offer comment for this story.
Catherine Hardwicke, director of Twilight, is aiming to work with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart again in some upcoming projects –
“We’ve got ‘Maximum Ride,’ ” she said. “That’s a really wild, big-action fantasy film with bird kids. Then I have a cool project at Overture with Emile Hirsch that’s a modern retelling of ‘Hamlet’ — a very radical version. And then at Summit, we have ‘If I Stay,’ which is another really nice novel that we’re adapting.”
According to Hardwicke, she’s planning to solicit Pattinson and/or Stewart for roles in the fantasy films “Ride” and “Stay.”
Yes–you heard right–a fantasy film with bird kids–
“Maximum Ride” is based on a series of James Patterson novels telling the story of six teens who are genetically altered to become part bird and part human.
Well that oughta be interesting.
paris wants money for "her thoughts"
Socialite Paris Hilton has copyrighted her new saying 'that's huge' and plans to charge public figures who use it.
The businesswoman and actress has already claimed the phrase 'That's hot' as her own, and now she's adding to her official vocabulary.
She says, "The way I say it, you can (own it)... Huge is good. It can never be bad. Huge is really hot."
By Michael Rowe
Ann Coulter, the self-described "conservative Christian" right-wing talking head, is much on my mind as I contemplate the horrifying images that came out of Washington from the Holocaust Museum, where white supremacist James von Brunn opened fire in an attempted mass-murder of Jews. His killing spree was cut short by security guard Stephen Tyrone Jones who put himself in the line of fire and died so others might live.
I am remembering an October 2007 segment of the Donny Deutsch Show where Coulter asserted that America would be better off if everyone was Christian and that "the Jews" merely needed to be "perfected" through conversion.
Coulter has made her fortune by generating, fanning, and nurturing hatred and contempt for a variety of people, including liberals, Democrats, gays, foreign nationals, 9/11 widows, feminists, single mothers, Muslims, and any other group she could throw to her disenfranchised readership as shark bait.
Netanyahu Speech Will Likely Endorse Palestinian State
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will attempt to narrow a growing divide with the Obama administration when he delivers a major policy speech in the coming days, his aides say _ perhaps even endorsing the concept of a Palestinian state at the risk of alienating his hawkish coalition.
In one curious twist, Netanyahu's message _ and his room to maneuver _ could be at least partially linked to the outcome of Friday's election in Iran.
Painted into a corner by his right-wing coalition and an American president bent on progress toward peace, Netanyahu is facing a moment of truth when he will have to decide between the two. For now, it seems his all-important American allies will be the focus of his efforts, though it's unclear if he will go far enough for Washington.
If he tries to straddle the middle when he delivers his speech on Sunday, Netanyahu may find himself pleasing no one _ neither those in his government who favor Israeli settlements on land the Palestinians claim for a future state, nor Washington, which is demanding those settlements be frozen.
In the speech, aides say he is likely to finally come out in favor of Palestinian statehood, a key U.S. demand. But they say he will also attach a number of conditions to his endorsement, including that Palestinians first recognize Israel as a Jewish homeland and agree not to have an army.
A victory by moderates in this week's Iranian elections, coming just days after an electoral setback for the anti-Israeli Hezbollah group in Lebanon, could undercut Netanyahu's efforts to keep the world focused on Iran _ and instead shine a spotlight on his own refusal to endorse Palestinian statehood or heed Obama's call for a settlement freeze.
A victory by Iranian hard-liners could bolster Netanyahu's argument that Iran's nuclear ambitions, not Israel's conflict with the Palestinians, should be occupying the world's attentions.
This is not the only irony at play in Netanyahu's world.
If he drops his opposition to Palestinian independence _ as two Israeli Cabinet ministers predicted he will _ he might buy some breathing room in his drive to keep building houses inside existing West Bank settlements. His predecessor, Ehud Olmert, spoke eloquently about the need for a Palestinian state while quietly expanding settlements.
Whatever the case, being at odds with the United States, Israel's chief ally, is an extremely uncomfortable position for any Israeli prime minister to be in.
By all accounts, Netanyahu's speech will seek to address the concerns of Obama, who made it clear in a major speech in Cairo last week that he sees Israeli settlements as illegitimate and Palestinian statehood as a fundamental U.S. interest.
The two Israeli ministers, speaking on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt Netanyahu's speech, said they believed the prime minister would utter the words "Palestinian state" during the address, while at the same time stressing that such a state must not possess an army that could threaten Israel.
Yossi Alpher, a former intelligence official and government adviser, said he expects to "hear an attempt to accommodate or outflank the Obama administration on the one hand while holding on to his coalition on the other."
Alpher said he believes Netanyahu's hawkish coalition could survive a settlement freeze and the "beginning" of peace talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state.
"But just the beginning. The minute substantive issues come up, someone will object," he added.
One way Netanyahu might seek to outflank Obama is by opening up a dialogue with Syria, Alpher said. That could force Obama to have to choose between pushing for progress on the Palestinian track or accepting the Israeli priorities, he said.
Palestinian disunity has emerged as perhaps the biggest factor working against the energetic U.S. peace push. Palestinian moderates of the Fatah movement now control only the West Bank while the Gaza Strip, the other part of a future Palestinian state, is in the hands of Hamas militants.
Egyptian-brokered talks aimed at getting Fatah and Hamas to reconcile have been faltering over Hamas' refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist. And while Obama appears to have adopted a somewhat gentler tone than his predecessor on the issue of Hamas, the group's stranglehold on Gaza can bolster any Israeli argument that Palestinians aren't ready for independence.
Still, the Obama team, with its unyielding call for a settlement freeze and its push for region-wide Arab acceptance of Israel, seems serious about moving toward the partition of the Holy Land into two states.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has unequivocally rejected Israel's insistence that some settlement construction be allowed to accommodate growing settler families.
Any attempt by Netanyahu to garner wiggle room by endorsing the "two-state solution" or taking down small unauthorized settlement outposts in the West Bank may well not be enough.
A sense that a turning point is arriving for Netanyahu is palpable among both the Israeli left and right.
"I'm happy that Obama is forcing us to confront the truth," said David Lapid, a settler in one of the illegal outposts slated for destruction, expressing hope that Netanyahu would take the settlers' side, not Obama's.
[oh the money and me.]
i want money, i think money when i hop up off my couch.
when i'm breathin' pulse is creamin' i want that money in my puch,
but if i'm patient, dedicated, stay creatin'
and never listen to the doubt.
i'll have it comin' to me crazy like a schizo on the couch.
comin to me harder than muhammed ali,
have it growin fresher than them buds on that tree.
growin in your womb ultrasound it, take a peak
have it pullin nicer, than a dutch, wood, or sweet.
i'll be getting money like oprah winfrey, book club too
yeah i thought that hsit was neat.
do you understand how that money hunger be?
ask any bitch, no one hungrier than me.
cotton mouth is bad, but that hunger's a disease.
cresit colors cahnge silver bronze gold black.
bank account make you have a heart attack.
i'm a skinny bitch i gotta tigress fight.
you don't even have to ask you know that pussy's tight.
you can analyze it, feel it, so right.
yeah i hit the spot. i've got that 20/20 sight.
if you makin' an offer that say money, fame, glam
that say just what i'm on and define what i am.
cuz i do force it, because i just don't give a damn.
that punchline was prediction, thanks captain o.
i do what i want is there a problem sir, yeah huh what so.
yeah that's what i thought, you just get on and go.
got a smile on my face but i never act funny
i'll leave you in the cold i will make your nose so runny.
don't have time if you about dinero.
yeah, that Robert money, boy, yeah so many zeros.
i'm talkin jay bread, wayne bread, fierce bread.
dirty bread, green bread, clean bread. please.
but i am the air and you, you must breathe.
i am on my way, this is but a tease.
you will try to ignore it, but i'm a pop-up PC.
i'm so bright, the lights can only spot me.
i am godly, so naughty, when you see me
believe me you'll tell all that you saw me
but you'll say we spoke
that i am not as dope, i am grown,gorgeous probly
the best you never had,never will,not ever boy, sorry.
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