i'm getting antsy, feeling like it's time to take the next step in the plan.
when i get my social security card, and actually start training week, and working at dunkies
i'm moving in with danielle. i'm anxious, excited because i'll be getting money steadily.
it just feels like everyday i'm getting closer and closer. but at the same time i have to keep myself humble, and remind myself that it takes time, that i need to keep my mind right. stay focused, and to what i need to do to get what i want. i was sitting in the park yesterday and i was just looking around at all these other people, the ones who choose normality, who chose to live the lives of the majority, want the things that the majority have, go through the things that the majority of people do. and they do chose to lead those lives, everyone makes a choice that will take them down a certain road. so i'm going to everything i have to, to make it.
that was my rant of the day.
i'm off, i'm at anthony's we're watching the wire.
i'll be home early tonight, maybe another late night post.
p.s. my notebook is m.i.a. i'm freaking the fuck out.
and drake is blowing up.
fuck miss california. she has fake tits. bfd. get a fucking life america. what do you expect, it's a fucking beauty contest. and in america, apparently fake tits are beautiful.
p.s.s. michael's home!
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