soo while typing this post it looked so funny, and i was wondering why and it was because i was in the edit html tab instead of the compost one, so i couldn't see any of the pictures, or the SURPRISE video i posted.
in recent celebrity news:

oh my god! snatch! cassie! snatch!
yes it's a bit much even for me i'll probably have to take it down.
it's definitely a nudey pic.
today was pretty odd. i woke up around 7, got up around 7 30, headed over to dunkies about an hour later. tomorrow, i have to go back at 9 00 even without my social security card. i have to call the social security office tomorrow, so i can get a new one before tuesday. as in monday.
ughh. FML. writing tomorrow definitely, i'm on a personal deadline but i don't like to force anything. but usually when i start the rest just comes out.
i miss dominic.
talked to him today.
i signed on, imed him he immediately signs off.
then i sign off.
21 minutes later sign back on:
dom69234 (1:00:54 PM) :[Offline IM sent 21m ago] yes?
eFFiNxDoRk (1:21:22 PM) : nothing
eFFiNxDoRk (1:21:24 PM) : haha
dom69234 (1:22:16 PM) : true haha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:22:29 PM) : what are you up to/
dom69234 (1:24:02 PM) : trying to fucking finish school
dom69234 (1:24:04 PM) : what about you?
eFFiNxDoRk (1:24:44 PM) : just working, trying to save money for this apt., getting a tattoo today!
dom69234 (1:25:06 PM) : nicenice
dom69234 (1:25:07 PM) : of what
dom69234 (1:25:14 PM) : it better not be something retarted
eFFiNxDoRk (1:25:38 PM) : hahahahah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:26:25 PM) : i'm gonna get stubborn beauty written on my chest with three stars in between the words in 64 pt. font, i still haven't decided the font i want though only the size
dom69234 (1:27:08 PM) : you should just get a star on each boob haha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:27:12 PM) : hahahahhahaha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:27:22 PM) : that would beee sooo funny
dom69234 (1:27:36 PM) : i was thinking about getting a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with italy written above it in cursive
dom69234 (1:27:37 PM) : haha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:27:43 PM) : omg you should
eFFiNxDoRk (1:27:47 PM) : that would be greatttt
dom69234 (1:28:11 PM) : and then kyle was gunna get a potato with ireland written over it
eFFiNxDoRk (1:28:16 PM) : hahahhahaha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:28:18 PM) : dooo itt
eFFiNxDoRk (1:28:23 PM) : please
eFFiNxDoRk (1:28:24 PM) : hahah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:28:41 PM) : where do you go to school?
dom69234 (1:29:05 PM) : middlesex
eFFiNxDoRk (1:29:17 PM) : you like it ?.
dom69234 (1:29:28 PM) : yea its alright
eFFiNxDoRk (1:29:45 PM) : true
eFFiNxDoRk (1:30:02 PM) : what are you up to this weekend
dom69234 (1:30:41 PM) : nothin fuckin chillin
dom69234 (1:30:48 PM) : are you gunna be bummin it in wayland again this summer?
eFFiNxDoRk (1:30:51 PM) : hahahah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:31:00 PM) : definitely not.
eFFiNxDoRk (1:31:04 PM) : wayaldn is a black hole
eFFiNxDoRk (1:31:10 PM) : hahaha but i'll come around
eFFiNxDoRk (1:31:21 PM) : prolly alot people are comign back home now
dom69234 (1:31:37 PM) : i couldnt tell ya iv lost contact with everyone
eFFiNxDoRk (1:31:40 PM) : yeah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:32:04 PM) : same here like they'll hit me yup and i say hey. then some thingl ike ooo we should chill and then its over. hahah
dom69234 (1:32:31 PM) : i dont even talk to anyone
eFFiNxDoRk (1:32:34 PM) : no one
dom69234 (1:32:40 PM) : iv talked to yo more than anyone else
dom69234 (1:32:47 PM) : well mikes gone
eFFiNxDoRk (1:32:48 PM) : are you serious
eFFiNxDoRk (1:32:49 PM) : yeah
dom69234 (1:32:56 PM) : bobs always off doing something
eFFiNxDoRk (1:33:06 PM) : yeah i was chillin with cassie on our birthday
dom69234 (1:33:08 PM) : chris brandon mitton eric are all at school
eFFiNxDoRk (1:33:10 PM) : and she waslike i chill with bobby alot
eFFiNxDoRk (1:33:11 PM) : yeah
dom69234 (1:33:15 PM) : yea she told me haha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:33:17 PM) : haahh
eFFiNxDoRk (1:33:40 PM) : she saw you own her like 1.3 grams or something i shit my pants laughing
eFFiNxDoRk (1:33:42 PM) : hahahha
dom69234 (1:34:13 PM) : yea thats not happenin
eFFiNxDoRk (1:34:18 PM) : exaclt
eFFiNxDoRk (1:34:20 PM) : hahahah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:34:27 PM) : i was just like yeahh good luck with that
eFFiNxDoRk (1:34:28 PM) : hahhaha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:35:42 PM) : omggg i forgot to tell you i went to wayland like two weeks ago. to this kid marshalls house. and he's pissed at me now becuase my firned anthony stole his bubbler. it was pretty funny
dom69234 (1:36:14 PM) : hell yea haha
eFFiNxDoRk (1:36:21 PM) : hahah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:37:09 PM) : buttttt yeah i've been in this library for about three hours. so i think it's about time to head home. i'll talk to you laterrr/ see you soon i think i dunno. probably. i dunno i'll call yoou. haha
dom69234 (1:37:39 PM) : i wanna see this tat
eFFiNxDoRk (1:37:41 PM) : yeahhh
eFFiNxDoRk (1:37:45 PM) : its gonna be sick
dom69234 (1:37:47 PM) : so let me kno ill drive into boston some night and we can get shitty
eFFiNxDoRk (1:37:52 PM) : hahah yes!!!
dom69234 (1:37:55 PM) : in your basement hah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:37:57 PM) : hahahah hellyeah
eFFiNxDoRk (1:38:00 PM) : it'll be great
eFFiNxDoRk (1:38:06 PM) : bye dominic
dom69234 (1:38:08 PM) : im excited
dom69234 (1:38:09 PM) : adios
we do this all the time plan shit and never follow through,
butttttttt it the SUMMERRRR, fuck yes. so we're good to go, i'm done with everything.
about the be on my grind working fulltime.
making like 320/wk. so 1280/mth
so out of that 320/wk. half gets taken out direct in savings.
$160.00 left.
phone- $70.00-$90.00/mth
groceries.- $25.00-$30.00/wk
hair-$30.00/2 weeks (bomb!)other yummy favorite nuggety things-tbd. lmfao.
it's 2:02 i have to wake up in about five hour and thirty five minutes.
but i'm glad.
it's better than sleeping in with no job making no money.
where was about four days ago.
today we were gonna get a budman to scoot over to anthony's house to drop off 3.5 in the pouring rain.
it was fucking hilarious.
we decided not too.
today i'm posting my first video about nothing, well something i hold dear to my heart.
roasting them gummy bears. enjoy, i sure did. those gummy bears taste delicious.
a great goodnight song is:
suddenly everything has changed by the postal service
we're starting video series of the nugget crew: the real life versions
of budman, budgirl, and nugget. look out for updates. i'm fucking pumped.
tomorrow i have to post some of the rules in the dunkies handbook yooo, it's
yummy gummy bears.
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