Robert Pattinson just got a whole lot more attractive!
According to one of his former girlfriends — an actress who Rob dated for around two months last year after meeting her through friends — the Twilight hunk is “amazing” in bed.
“We just had this chemistry between us that made our kisses amazing,” the ex told American tabloid the National Enquirer. “I felt electricity go between us!
“I’m really passionate, as is he. That’s why, no matter how much we fought, it was always amazing in bed!”
“We’d glance at each other throughout the night because it made it more exciting when we got home,” added Rob’s former flame. “The tension was so strong, we couldn’t control ourselves. It was amazing!”
Meanwhile, the 23-year-old Brit has apparently ended his short-lived romance with Kristen Stewart and is now romancing his Remember Me costar Emilie de Ravin.
“Robert met Emilie a while ago and has always liked her,” a source close to Rob recently dished to Life & Style magazine. “He’s the one who suggested to the producers at Summit [the same production company responsible for the Twilight series] that she’d be perfect for Remember Me. In the original screenplay, her part was written for an actress of Mexican descent.”
Bonnie Wright doesn't speak a word in her first appearance in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Her character Ginny Weasley, is almost part of the scenery on Platform 9 3/4s, and her silence underscores her importance to the largest book and movie franchise in modern cinema.
I recently sat down with Wright in New York where she and the rest of the cast of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince were on a press junket before the U.S. premiere of the sixth film in the series. She was very polite, articulate and exponentially more poised than I was at 18.
We've seen Ginny progress with each film, and now she's almost as important to the series as the "Big 3," what's that been like?
"It's been great. I think when Ginny was possessed by the journal of Voldemort in the second film (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) that was a turning point for her. People had to take her into consideration. And now in this one she's come a long way and has some great scenes. The character is much older.
"David Yates is such a wonderful director for actors. He doesn't just focus on the magic and the computer animation. He's very focused on the acting, and the interplay between the characters."
You've obviously known Daniel (Radcliffe) for most of your life now. How was it doing the romantic scenes with him?
"It was a bit weird, but because I've known him for so long, we're very comfortable around each other. And I think that familiarity lends itself to the scenes. It was still very strange."
So, you've been surrounded by all this magical fiction since you were very young - do you even like genre fiction? Do you like all this Twilight stuff?
"No, not really. I mean, the stories and the books are brilliant. And yes, I've seen Twilight, and The Golden Compass. But I'm more interested in films that are more about the characters and dialogue."
This movie is genuinely scary. Was there a definite vibe on set of something a little more adult than previous ones?
"Yes, definitely. There are some pretty violent scenes. The Horcrux cave when Harry fights the Inferi, that is definitely frightening. And I'm glad that David did it that way. These are children's books, but the characters grow and progress, and there has to be some new adult subject matter introduced. It can't be as childish as the earlier movies."
And you're filming the final movie, or movies?
"Yes, I'll be done in September."
And what does life after Potter look like for you?
"I'll be going to film school in London, this fall. I'm very excited."
Congratulations. Will you keep acting?
"Yes, I think so. I'd like to do some more character-driven roles, or anything that I find interesting."
Joseph Gordon-Levitt thinks it's time to acknowledge that stories of broken hearts are not exclusive to females. 500 Days of Summer is his answer to the chick flick.
Parade.com's Jeanne Wolf discovered that his new film whimsically flings us back and forth through the silly days, the sexy days and the sad days in the saga of a romance.
The scars, the vivid memories -- Gordon-Levitt understands the dumpee
"I've had my heart broken. Yeah. I know what it feels like and I wanted this movie to take it seriously because I think the truth is actually funnier than a pack of lies. When I look back at me in my broken-hearted phase it's pretty hilarious because it feels so much more extreme than it really is."
Pain can be good for you
"I think it's good to take it seriously. It's fine to feel it and get hurt and get upset and give yourself a good cry and listen to loud music. It's healthy. I don't know, I came out of it a better man, I think."
Don't believe that greeting card wisdom.
"I think that love can be as strong as lightning, but I do not think it works the way they say it does. I think it works differently for every unique individual and that is what we are here to figure out. You have to figure it out for yourself instead of listening to the conventional wisdom. I think that is why [my character] Tom ends up heartbroken. Reality does not always meet up with your expectations."
Try to see it my way
"This character deifies the girl he has a crush on. He is not objective so it works that the film is subjective-- all his point of view. Since it's one person it's more about what he feels like than what actually happened. It's like the guy you hear in your own head when you are living something. That is not reality."
The ultimate morning after
"There is this one scene after they finally sleep together. He's had a crush on this girl for so long and finally made love. The next morning he is on top of the world. To an objective observer it might look like you are just walking down the street with a smile on your face. We've all been there. It feels good. But the way it feels to you is that the whole world is like dancing in the street with you and slapping you high five and congratulating you."
So Joe thought he could dance?
"We dance in the movie because it's his memory of the feeling. For me, man it was a fantasy. I mean ever since I was real young--and even though it's sad news about Michael Jackson--it makes me think about some of the happiest times in my childhood. Dancing in front of the television screen watching Thriller. I never thought I was going to be the dude in front of 30 dancers doing the choreography. But that is what happened in 500 Days of Summer. It was almost a surreal experience, dancing down that street, getting to be something that I have always dreamed of since I was young."
Karaoke may be better after you down a few.
"I had to step up for this movie. I mean not to endorse the alcohol industry too hard. But if you are going to get up and sing at a bar, you might as well have a couple."
Third Rock made him shy
"When I was young, I was phobic about that kind of recognition. I think it was mostly just because I was kind of selfish when I was young. I just cared about my own pleasure. It was a pleasure to create that show."
Fans are no longer alien to him
"As I grew older, I started to care about more than just my self. I'm not sure why, but I just felt somehow connected to the rest of the world. So now when people see something I've done and it means something to them that means the world to me. I love it when people care about something I've done. What else can you really ask for in life? There's still the annoying stuff where people are approaching me because they're buying into some nasty myth about celebrity. But that has nothing to do with what I care about."
She said goodbye to The Hills but Lauren Conrad is still a fan favorite: Her debut novel, L.A. Candy, has topped the New York Times Best Seller list two weeks in a row.
"If someone said to me five years ago when this all started that I would one day make the New York Times Best Seller list I wouldn't have believed it," Conrad tells PEOPLE exclusively. "I am so honored that it is now a reality."
The novel, loosely based on Conrad's own life, follows of Jane Roberts, a 19-year-old girl who moves to Hollywood and ends up as the star of her own reality show.
Although Conrad is used to the spotlight, she's still in awe over her literary accomplishment, "It was such a compliment to be included in something with such established names."
L.A. Candy, which hit shelves June 16, is the first in a three-book deal for the reality TV star.
Emma Watson and Rupert Grint may have momentarily distracted the world by flashing their underwear and contracting swine flu (respectively), but at Thursday's New York premiere for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Daniel Radcliffe was on an impressive charm offensive that made it clear which of the three is still going to be making bank when he's fifty. We watched as he moved down the carpet, joking about his height, laughing at the sexual tension and drug-use allusions in the film, and gamely imagining who would win a battle between wizards and vampires ("Wizards! Vampires have to get near a wizard to kill him and we’d be able to keep our distance"). And he certainly got on our good side by telling us he wants to be back on Broadway in two or three years and is even taking tap lessons to get ready ("So far it's just a bit of shuffling... If I do a musical I want to be proper! Tap dance is so cool!"). But it was his completely adorable interaction with a terrified 11-year-old reporter from Scholastic News that won us over for good. Imagine half a dozen pushy TV reporters shoving their mikes in Radcliffe's face as he zeroes in on a little girl holding her microphone with both hands, voice shaking so much she can hardly form sentences.
Radcliffe (to other reporters): "One moment, one moment. I will come back to you. [Locks eyes with Scholastic News girl] Hello!"
Girl: "Hey. I’m Danielle from Scholastic News."
Radcliffe: "Hello, Danielle! Pleasure to meet you."
Danielle: "This is an HONOR to interview you."
Radcliffe: "Oh, thank you. You’re very sweet. Thank you."
Danielle: "I’ve seen the first and second movies and read the first and second book and they are SO good. Especially the movies. I loved them, the movies!"
Radcliffe: "Thank you very much. You’re very, very kind. They get even better than that, though, so when you get time or when your parents think you’re old enough, you must watch the rest. They’re very cool."
Danielle: "Um, and I have two questions. How are you most like Harry?"
Radcliffe: "I think in the way that we value our friends. Friendship is very important in both of our lives. I think I have Harry’s natural curiosity as well. He’s interested in a lot of things in this world, as am I."
Other reporter: "Daniel, how…"
Radcliffe: "One moment, one moment."
Other reporter: "They told us to group together."
Radcliffe: "It will happen. One second, sorry." [re-focuses on Danielle]
Danielle: "How did Harry change from the first movie to the second? I mean, the sixth?"
Radcliffe: "To the sixth? Well, he grew marginally taller. The films have gotten a lot darker since that first film, so I think he has had to get a lot tougher since then. Thank you very much."
Danielle [holding breath, then nearly dropping mike]: "Oh. My. God. Oh. My. God. That was soooo cool!"
Coco Before Chanel, aka Coco avant Chanel in French, is directed by prominent French filmmaker Anne Fontaine, of Augustin, Dry Cleaning, In His Hands, and The Girl from Monaco previously. The screenplay was co-written by Anne Fontaine and Camille Fontaine as well as script consultant Christopher Hampton. The film is based on Edmonde Charles-Roux's biography titled "Chanel and Her World". Sony Pictures Classics is bringing Coco Avant Chanel to limited theaters in the US starting on September 25th this fall.
I figured I would get DAWN’s lips because she will be mine forever and I’m hers forever, so why not. It’s the best example of how honest I am in my relationship and about our love. Her lips and her name is an example to others that it’s ok to LOVE YOUR GIRL. It’s an example on how to be HONEST. I actually got her name when we started getting serious , so I had that way before the lips on my neck. I’m sure there will be more tattoos to come.
If you want to be a better person you have to “ be honest with yourself and it ‘s ok to be in love and be proud to love your girl”. You don’t have to cheat because people tell you it’s not cool to be with one person. If you’re happy, do you. When you love yourself others will see that in you and do the same. They have no choice but to respect it.
Written By The Fly Guy
It’s time to officially clear the air. There seems to be this common misconception, which suggests that men have lower standards when choosing a mate. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, men are a lot pickier than we lead you to believe. To prove this point, I’ve decided to share “Five Types of Women That All Men Hate.” So pay close attention, and if this sounds like someone you know, then that may explain why they can’t seem to keep a man.
1. Ms. “Stick In The Mud”
This woman never seems to have any fun … ever. Her idea of a good time is probably a quiet evening at home reading the encyclopedia while eating a Lean Cuisine. On top of that, she doesn’t know how to give or take a joke, since she takes herself way too seriously. Will you relax … please?
2. Ms. “No One Else”
Ms. “No One Else” wants all of your free time—every single second of it. As soon as the two of you get close, she stops talking to all of her friends and expects you to do the same. Some men may reluctantly agree, but that arrangement soon grows old.
3. Ms. “Something To Prove”
Ms. “Something To Prove” has always worked hard to show the world she was capable of doing anything she set her mind to. And while the entire male population applauds her strength, we get kind of tired of her reminding us about it throughout the entire date.
“I’ve got a good job.”
“I don’t need a man to do anything for me.”
“I’ve always been independent.”
“I’m going to write a book encouraging other women to be strong like me.”
Honestly, we’d rather listen to a Paula Abdul Greatest Hits album than to sit through an entire evening of that.
4. Ms. “Read My Mind”
For some reason, Ms. “Read My Mind” expects her man to know exactly what she’s thinking at all times. As a result, she constantly tests him, using his responses to gauge his level of love. This type of behavior should be avoided, as very few men are interested in dealing with the constant guessing games.
5. Ms. “Chatterbox”
Communication serves as the cornerstone for all serious relationships. However, some women overdo it a bit. The problem with Ms. “Chatterbox” is that she spends most of her time talking, and none of it listening. Before long, this type of woman grows even more annoying than that one drunk uncle who always tries to hit on your female friends.
The Fly Guy Moral: So now that I have outlined the five types of women that all men hate; what now? Will you continue to hold out hope that he will one day change his mind and accept you as you are? Or will you learn the art of compromise and begin addressing those personal issues that aren’t conducive to a healthy relationship? I pray you choose the latter.
I hope someone’s checking on Bow Wow this morning. Via his Twitter:
Man I be gettn bored wit life. I wish I neva did and seen err thang so soon. I have nuffn to look forward 2. I’m down more than I am happy
In a dark place!
It looks like fame is getting the best of these young celebs, however the consensus on twitter is that it’s all a publicity stunt considering Soulja Boy had a meltdown on twitter almost a week ago. While Soulja Boy complained about music execs trying to change him, Bow Wow seems to be in a different boat after being released from his label Columbia Records last month.
These kids need to step back and seek guidance before the money and fame gets the best of em’…
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