Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick have decided to live apart following the birth of their twins, according to reports.The acting duo, who have been married for 12 years, have apparently decided that Broderick will remain in their New York apartment, while the Sex And The City actress will move to a multi-million dollar Brooklyn home with daughters Tabitha and Marion and 6-year-old son James.A source told Look magazine: "Sarah clearly loves Manhattan but she has three children now. It might be better for them to grow up somewhere calmer. But Matthew loves their townhouse in Manhattan because it's close to his work on Broadway."The friend continued: "It would be a surprising decision to make so soon after the arrival of their twins. Having the babies born healthy and happy was a dream come true, so it’s strange that they might have to spend some time apart at this stage."
If you ask me, I should be the one she “Knocks Down”…..Before I indulge leap head first into this “interesting” topic, do know that this is NOT meant to be taken serious- more in stride. Keri is NOT knocking down neither Kanye nor Ne-Yo, so I would appreciate it if you GOSSIP mongrels ease up on the “Keri is smashing Kanye & Ne-Yo talk”.
Ok, now that we cleared that up, let’s get down to business. Sumit, one of my blogging buddies over at The Hip Hop Chronicle UK, recently sat down with Keri and asked a nice lil nosy question, among others, a bunch of us have been pondering since seeing Keri’s “Knock You Down” visual featuring Kanye and Ne-Yo- Who would she “KNOCK DOWN?”
Surprisingly, Keri not only laughed about the inquiry, but she actually gave an in-depth response. Here’s what she had to say…..
Keri Hilson on “Knocking Down” Kanye or Ne-Yo…
“That’s hard because there are things I like about both. Ne-Yo is a gentlemen. For real- in real life. He’s sensitive and sweet and probably cuddly. He’s the guy you would pillow talk with. Kanye on the other hand, he would probably talk about himself a lot but he’s incredible swag. He’s very confident, has a great sense of style and makes incredible music- well both of them do. I don’t know. I probably would like a guy with a little bit more edge than Ne-Yo, so it might be leaning closer to Kanye, but I can take a lot more edge than Kanye.”
Well there you have it, Keri likes herself a cuddly gentlemen but a thug that will shake the ish outta her from time to time. Translation: Neither Kanye or Ne-Yo have a chance with Miss Keri. Make sure you check out the rest of Sumit’s interview with Keri as she snipes the lesbian rumors, her take on R&B and what she REALLY thinks of Drake.
I’m tellin you right now Keri, us NJ Boyz have a certain “aura” that’s undeniable- I strongly suggest you investigate, lol.
Ne-Yo explains why he broke down in tears during a recent concert:
Basically, I have an issue with not knowing when to say enough is enough, so last night in Manchester, my body said it for me. I got on stage energized and ready to go, even tho for the last 5 days I’ve been dealing with a sinus infection. I paid it no real mind, and kept on going, like I always do. My voice couldn’t take it. From the first song I knew something was wrong. I shoulda stopped there, but I come from a school where no matter what, the show must go on. It wasn’t until about 4 songs in that I came to the painful realization that my voice was done, literally nothing left, and that I would have to stop the show.
Now let me explain something to you:When I say this music, that stage, my fans, THIS is my life, I’m not saying it cause it sounds good in a sound bite. THIS IS MY LIFE!! Not much else matters to me, honestly. My music, my family and the people that appreciate my music…..the fans. THAT’S ABOUT IT!! I’ve never had to stop a show, never dreamed I’d ever have to. So when I had to walk out on that stage and tell 12,000 of the people responsible for making me who I am that I could not perform for them, it literally broke my heart. I cried harder than I have in a very long time with no shame whatsoever.
To anyone out there that would like to question my manhood because of this I’ll say this to you:If the one thing you cared about more than anything else in the world was threatened or even taken from you, if you knew that the people you cared for the most you had to disappoint and it was your fault… and this didn’t spark some kind of emotional outbreak within you…then with no shame I’ll say you are truly a stronger man than I.
To the people of Manchester, know that I love you and I thank you for being so understanding and supportive. And I promise you that you will receive the show deserved.Thanks to the fans for the love and concern.
And to the bloggers….go to hell.
wow really. this sounds like super bullshit.
In what is perhaps one of the summer’s most eagerly anticipated events, Twilight dream couple Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will finally be reunited at Comic-Con International in San Diego, which starts July 23. And fans of Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling vampire book series aren’t the only ones anxious about the pairing: For weeks, Kristen has sat back while Rob continues to get cozy with his Remember Me co-star Emilie de Ravin.
But now Kristen is determined to win back her leading man.“Kristen’s got too much going for her to come in second,” a source close to the 19-year-old actress tells OK!. “She really cares for Rob, and if he still feels the same, she wants their relationship to progress. The Comic-Con reunion will be a real test.”
However, R-Pattz’s chemistry with Emilie hasn’t escaped Kristen, either.
“She’s seen photos of them sitting with Emilie’s hands resting tenderly on Rob’s arm, and she sees the way Emilie looks at Rob,” says the source.
Although Kristen was initially going to avoid Comic-Con, her pals, including Runaways and New Moon co-star Dakota Fanning, have convinced her to not only show up, but to fight for him with everything she has.
“Her friends are insisting she look as hot as she can when she and Rob see each other so he will fall head over heels with her all over again,” says the pal. “And Kristen is taking their advice to heart. She asked her Runaways stylist to find her a sexy sundress and a couple of great outfits to wear at the convention. She wants to look so amazing that Rob won’t be able to take his eyes off her.
Basically, I have an issue with not knowing when to say enough is enough, so last night in Manchester, my body said it for me. I got on stage energized and ready to go, even tho for the last 5 days I’ve been dealing with a sinus infection. I paid it no real mind, and kept on going, like I always do. My voice couldn’t take it. From the first song I knew something was wrong. I shoulda stopped there, but I come from a school where no matter what, the show must go on. It wasn’t until about 4 songs in that I came to the painful realization that my voice was done, literally nothing left, and that I would have to stop the show.
Now let me explain something to you:When I say this music, that stage, my fans, THIS is my life, I’m not saying it cause it sounds good in a sound bite. THIS IS MY LIFE!! Not much else matters to me, honestly. My music, my family and the people that appreciate my music…..the fans. THAT’S ABOUT IT!! I’ve never had to stop a show, never dreamed I’d ever have to. So when I had to walk out on that stage and tell 12,000 of the people responsible for making me who I am that I could not perform for them, it literally broke my heart. I cried harder than I have in a very long time with no shame whatsoever.
To anyone out there that would like to question my manhood because of this I’ll say this to you:If the one thing you cared about more than anything else in the world was threatened or even taken from you, if you knew that the people you cared for the most you had to disappoint and it was your fault… and this didn’t spark some kind of emotional outbreak within you…then with no shame I’ll say you are truly a stronger man than I.
To the people of Manchester, know that I love you and I thank you for being so understanding and supportive. And I promise you that you will receive the show deserved.Thanks to the fans for the love and concern.
And to the bloggers….go to hell.
wow really. this sounds like super bullshit.
In what is perhaps one of the summer’s most eagerly anticipated events, Twilight dream couple Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will finally be reunited at Comic-Con International in San Diego, which starts July 23. And fans of Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling vampire book series aren’t the only ones anxious about the pairing: For weeks, Kristen has sat back while Rob continues to get cozy with his Remember Me co-star Emilie de Ravin.
But now Kristen is determined to win back her leading man.“Kristen’s got too much going for her to come in second,” a source close to the 19-year-old actress tells OK!. “She really cares for Rob, and if he still feels the same, she wants their relationship to progress. The Comic-Con reunion will be a real test.”
However, R-Pattz’s chemistry with Emilie hasn’t escaped Kristen, either.
“She’s seen photos of them sitting with Emilie’s hands resting tenderly on Rob’s arm, and she sees the way Emilie looks at Rob,” says the source.
Although Kristen was initially going to avoid Comic-Con, her pals, including Runaways and New Moon co-star Dakota Fanning, have convinced her to not only show up, but to fight for him with everything she has.
“Her friends are insisting she look as hot as she can when she and Rob see each other so he will fall head over heels with her all over again,” says the pal. “And Kristen is taking their advice to heart. She asked her Runaways stylist to find her a sexy sundress and a couple of great outfits to wear at the convention. She wants to look so amazing that Rob won’t be able to take his eyes off her.
Katherine Heigl dishes about 'Cruel' 'Grey's' work scheduleKatherine Heigl appeared on "The Late Show with David Letterman" on Monday night, where the actress described her first day back on the "Grey's Anatomy" set as "cruel and mean.""Our first day back was Wednesday, and it was -- I'm going to keep saying this because I hope it embarrasses them -- a 17-hour day, which I think is cruel and mean,' Katherine told Dave.The talk-show funnyman jokingly asked Katherine if she was given a lunch break during her 17-hour day, to which she joked back, saying:"Yes, we do get an hour lunch. That was nice. Thank God for that hour of lunch."Katherine did not reveal the fate of her "Grey's" character Izzie on the medical drama's upcoming season, but she did discuss what it was like returning to the set without her friend and former co-star T.R. Knight:"It was actually kind of really great to be back. All my friends are there and at this point, they're sort of like family, but it was a little weird because [T.R.]'s not there anymore."As for what happens to Izzie, Katherine said: "So, I won't give it away but, you know, I'm there so I'm either there as a ghost, on the other side or I survived a disease no one survives.""Grey's Anatomy"'s new season will premiere Sept. 24 on ABC.First three minutes is the maximum amount of whining I could handle and that's where she ~*speaks her mind*~
The latest creation in the Ass-Covering Studio Excuses R&D Dept. is the "Twitter Effect." Movies aren't making money, you see, because too many people are learning, 140 characters at a time, how bad they are.Every new messaging has brought studio complaints about how they're being killed with "word of mouth." Before Twitter, it was text messaging, Facebook, MySpace, "the web," email and, for all we know, AOL, television, FM radio, the telegraph and the passenger pigeon, which prevented hucksters from getting people to hand over money for what they think will be a good show, but really isn't.So, here's the latest incarnation: Did you tweet about your disappointment in a movie, like Bruno? Did all your friends tweet back in agreement?According to social media specialists, Universal is mad at you for driving away 73% percent of Bruno's ticket sales! When movie-goers take to their micro-blogging sites and hurl instant critiques at helpless studios, all their marketing machinery is rendered impotent. Some of this summer's alleged victims have included Bruno, Land of the Lost, and Year One.After mega advertising campaigns, months of free publicity from hungry media outlets (and web sites looking for cheap content!), specialists hired to create Facebook fan pages and Twitter feeds, people insist on slagging summer movies on Twitter. Like, all Sascha and Universal wanted to do was expose the ugliness that lives in your heart through various stunts involving dildos and terrorists. Then you had to go off and mean about it. What's a matter with you?!So how have the studios tried to harness the awe-striking a wrathful power of Twitter? Here's an example:With Year One, Sony at first tried to get in on the action and created a promotional Year One twitter account that would cull all the posts tagged with "#yearone. Sad for Sony, though, most of those tags were attached to disparaging statements. So they tried to pivot and create their own Year One twitter meme!
But no amount of tweet co-opting could save the floundering flick (full disclosure, I have a soft spot for Biblical comedies that have fantastic Oliver Platt cameos, so I dug it — you're welcome, Sony!) But let's be honest here, Studios. Just between you and me, nobody else is listening right now: you really didn't expect that many people to go continue to see a shitty movie after it opened, right? You must have known that eventually people would talk. They'd tell other people how little they liked Will Ferrell screaming at the sky. Again. And though the time between seeing said shitty movie and then telling your buddies about how shitty the movie maybe has shortened thanks to twitter, you must have known from the beginning that you were pushing a shitty product.So really there's only one way to combat the Twitter effect: Stop making shitty movies.P.S. I really laughed during Land of the Lost! Sorry no one else did, Universal!
IM TRYING TO BE REAL - and just SAY THE TRUTH HERE Current mood: blessedCategory: Goals, Plans, Hopes www.katvond.netIf there was ever a time I wanted for you to read something I wrote, THIS time would be the most important to me....This is a message to all my friends and fans who have been there for me since day one, and for those who may have just recently started watching LA Ink. I hope I'm not coming off to negative here, but i have to get a few things off my chest ...Although I may seem to not be as present as I used to be, I want you to know that I am still paying attention to the comments, emails, and feedback you guys send my way - and thats why I have always been so damn grateful for things like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, my website's forum, and the fanclubs, because those have always served as good tools for me to directly communicate with you guys.One thing I have always prided myself in, is my sincerity in being as honest and open with everyone. As hard as some things are to explain, I always try my best - always writing my own blogs, and being as REAL as I can possaibly be.. and I STILL believe that this is one of the reasons people may like me... When I first started getting involved with this whole "TV" thing - I had a very specific goal in mind> and this may sound super cheesy or cliche, but I mean this from the bottom of my heart... Doing a TV show about my tattoo shop felt like a good opportunity to present Tattooing in a positive light. Then I relaized there was so much more that comes along with being on TV.to some girls, I became some sort of role model, whether I liked it or not. And I did like it because it was such a wonderful feeling when young girls, soccer moms, rocker chicks, and everything in between would come up to me, or write me a letter, telling me about how watching the show inspired them to start their own business, and to be independent and self created, to be passionate about whatever it was they wanted to be - some girls would tell me that they were thankful to have someone in the spotlight that was "different", because it made them realize there was nothing wrong with thinking outside the box....and i know better than anyone, what its like to feel out of place...Sometimes, I still feel like that even today.But to hear these things, made me so proud to be a part of my team. I had Hannah and Kim, Corey Miller (and the rest of my crew) who tattooed next to me everyday at the shop - who I looked up to, before ever even meeting them - and then all of the sudden I'm tattooing side by side with them, and we're doing something positive - I had a team that included women I admired and could relate to, who were better than me at a lot of things, and who I could learn from...And as life may have it, for whatever reasons that were so out of my control, Hannah and Kim had to leave...I was pretty sad about it - hell, I still miss working with them - but things like this happen all of the time, and you gotta roll with the punches.And the truth of the matter is, I do have a lot of weaknesses, and a lot of downfalls. but I dont have a problem admitting it. Everyday I am trying my best to grow and learn... to better myself. Some days I fail, and a lot of days are ground breaking for me... but regardless, its never easy...The point Im trying to make here, is that there are a million things I cannot control. I cant control someone else's vision for the show and the direction they choose to follow. I cant control how all women act around me. I cant control a production company, or how people choose to edit things...what i CAN control is how much of myself I put into each and every single tattoo I do. What I CAN control is how I treat my family, my friends. I CAN control the choice to not drink or do drugs. I can do my very best.With that being said, I am sincerely sorry - from the bottom of my heart - if I come off like an asshole, or incompetant - I assure you, I have never in my life felt so clear-headed, humbled, focused, loved, aware, willing, and grateful.Being forced to deal with unwanted adversity and drama, has pushed me to become a better tattooer, sister, friend, companion, and business woman, and I so TRULY hope that you guys see passed all the rest of the bullshit that comes with having to catch things on film....I really do love you all...Kat Von Dwww.katvond.netwww.highvoltagetattoo.com
Best known as Seth Cohen on television's The O.C., Adam Brody has been pretty much laying low since the show went off the air in 2007 -- until now. The actor, currently shooting A Couple of Dicks in New York City, stars in the indie feature Death in Love, in theaters now. Up next is the fall release of the horror feature Jennifer's Body opposite Megan Fox.Brody talked to Huffington Post reporter Zorianna Kit about life post- O.C. and working with some of the sexiest stars in Hollywood, including Fox and Angelina Jolie.Zorianna Kit: Death in Love is about a dysfunctional family stemming from the mother being a Holocaust survivor. There are a lot of extreme sexual acts being depicted on screen. What made you want to be part of director Boaz Yakin's project?Adam Brody: When I read the script, it opened on the Holocaust where Jacqueline Bisset's character was walking down a hallway of the experimental patient ward. I was sold on that.Zorianna: But your part -- a guy who works at a scam modeling agency -- takes place in present time.Adam: I like an interesting movie even if it's controversial or offensive, depending on your taste. There are a lot of interesting ideas in there -- symbolically and metaphorically. Some of it works, some of it is pretty pretentious, but what it isn't is boring. Zorianna: This is the first project you did after The O.C. Was this a strategic movie on your part to take on an indie? You must have had plenty of scripts to choose from.Adam: (laughs) If only I had that many offers to sift through and really meticulously plot my course! No, I don't have the luxury of that. The truth of the matter is, I want to be part of anything that's intelligent or that I would want to see in theaters. And I'd definitely go see this.Zorianna: Speaking of intelligent, your next film, Jennifer's Body, was written by Diablo Cody, who was nominated for an Oscar for Juno. Something tells me this can't just be your straight up horror film if she's behind it.Adam: I love this movie. I can't speak highly enough about it. It's Diablo so there's humor and the whole thing is couched in metaphor, which is always great because somehow zombie movies have gotten away from that. I can't wait for people to see it. I don't have the biggest part in it, but in terms of the movie as a whole, every performance is uniformly good. Zorianna: Megan Fox plays a possessed cheerleader who kills her classmates. Are you playing a high school student again?Adam: No, thank God! I'm a singer in a traveling band. We come to town looking to sacrifice a virgin to the devil so we can get famous. We sacrifice Megan, only she's not a virgin, we just thought she was. So she comes back to life.Zorianna: Ahem! Why would anyone mistake Megan Fox for a virgin?Adam: Uh...I don't want to linger on that too much but I completely agree with you. That is a plot hole, I'm not gonna lie. She says she's a virgin, but clearly she's not.Zorianna: Having only seen in her in the Transformers movies, I'm curious to see how she is in Jennifer's Body.Adam: She looks great in this movie. She's not all Michael Bay'd out. She's really pretty, with less make up and smaller hair. She's really good-looking in this film and it's the most vulnerable you've seen her so far.Zorianna: She's seems to be everywhere these days and people either love her or hate her. What's the deal on Megan?Adam: Well for one, she's everywhere right now because of Transformers. So she's on the cover of everything and in your face. And secondly, she's got an in-your-face personality. She's very much a take it or leave it girl. She comes full of attitude but I'll take a personality like that over something safe and vanilla.Zorianna: This role of yours, it must be quite a departure for you.Adam: Yes. I'm pure evil through and through.Zorianna: You've never played evil before have you?Adam: Well, there was a Smallville episode where I played a bad guy.... But on the big screen, this will be the first.Zorianna: Do you sing in this movie?Adam: No, it was done by a professional singer. I would have liked to had I had the chops or the pipes. I have no range. In the right key, I could probably sing okay.Zorianna: So let's get this straight: Jennifer's Body was written by Diablo Cody, who wrote Juno, which was directed by Jason Reitman, who also directed Thank-You For Smoking, which you were in. Was Jason Reitman your connection to getting to be a part in Jennifer's Body?Adam: Yup. I owe Jason two of the best parts I've had so far. I really can't thank him enough.Zorianna: You were lucky to work on a bunch of movies while simultaneously shooting The O.C. including Smoking and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Was it tough convincing filmmakers to hire you because you were so familiar to audiences as Seth?Adam: I was very fortunate. Jason offered me Thank You For Smoking. I'll always be happy with that movie. That's the one my dad likes the most. He always says, 'Can't you do something like that again?'Zorianna: Like what?Adam: A movie about government and politics.Zorianna: And Smith?Adam: That was directed by Doug Liman, who directed our (O.C.) pilot and produced our show. So I was fortunate there too. I've had to fight for roles and I've lost a hundred roles, but Smoking and Smith were phone calls. That's the dream.Zorianna: I suppose Doug could have picked any male from your TV show to play The Tank -- a man both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are separately assigned to kill, but then kidnap, only to find out he was bait by their employers. Do you have a special connection with Doug?Adam: I think we do have a special connection. I think we're a nice match and I hope we get to work together again. Doug is such a bright guy but he needs collaborators. He's not a dictator. He's not one of those tyrant directors. It's more chaotic. There's actually a version of that movie where I'm narrating the story to (actress) Estella Warren in a bar. But that's how Doug works. He shoots a lot of different things. Zorianna: Were you around on set during that time to see the formation of Brangelina?Adam: I was, actually. Before all that stuff came out about them, I was like,"Are they method actors, or are they in love?" Well we all know what happened!Zorianna: Do you get critical of your work on screen?Adam: I love Mr. & Mrs. Smith but I cringe at myself in it. I just don't like what I'm doing in it. I'm doing C Grade Vince Vaughn stuff and he's in the movie doing his own stuff much better. Today, the 30-year-old me would have written myself some better stuff than the 23 year old did at the time.Zorianna: What a minute. You wrote your own lines?Adam: It was basically there but all of Doug's stuff is pretty loose and we figured it out on the fly. But even though I'm not happy with myself in the film, I love that movie and I'm happy to be a part of it.Zorianna: What about The O.C. -- how did you feel playing a high school student for four years while being in your twenties? That's a decent chunk of time.Adam: I'm perfectly happy with the time that it was on. Four years is great. I wouldn't have wanted it a minute longer. It was certainly a big deal in my life and was an overwhelmingly positive experience.Zorianna: In what way?Adam: It's probably the only thing I've ever done that people really responded to. That's the project that has become a part of people's lives, like the way Beverly Hills, 90210 was a part of my life growing up. I will never scoff at that.Zorianna: I'm sure Seth Cohen was significant to a lot of young teenagers.Adam: I am super-proud to have a sort of famous character in my background that if you're a certain age, he was probably a part of your youth. I think that's pretty cool.Zorianna: So you'll be okay if 20 years from now someone will elbow their friend and say, hey, isn't that Seth Cohen in line at the ATM machine?Adam: Sure because I don't feel trapped by it. I don't feel like it's the last thing I'll ever do so that makes it easier to appreciate.Zorianna: What do you miss most about the show?Adam: That was more money than I've ever known in my life. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss that.Zorianna: Did you go through any withdrawal when the show ended it's run?Adam: No withdrawal. After the show ended I sort of lived it up for a bout six months to a year. Just partying, being out and about. The last couple of years I've kind of settled in to more of a rhythm. I shot Jennifer's Body a year ago up in Vancouver and now I'd like to kick it up a notch.Zorianna: Anything you really want to do?Adam: If I don't direct a movie at some point, I've failed personally. How could you not want to do that if you've been in the industry this long?Zorianna: On the acting front, are there any actors whose career you'd like to emulate?Adam: I'll take Robert Downey Jr. minus the drug sabbatical. I'll take Dustin Hoffman. No disrespect to Will Smith, but Brad Pitt just makes cooler movies. Half of them fail because of it, but he works with the best directors.Zorianna: How do you think people perceive you?Adam: I worry that I can come off smarmy. I wonder if I was listening to myself if I'd want to kick my own ass.Zorianna: Is there an ideal gig for you?Adam: I feel like my part is still forming. There's no role that I feel had my name all over it and passed me by. But anytime those Apatow guys wanna hang out with me...
Vanessa Hudgens ‘Bans Zac Efron From Seeing Megan Fox’Vanessa Hudgens is laying down the law! The actress is furious that her boyfriend, Zac Efron, had a dinner date with sexy actress Megan Fox — and has reportedly banned him from seeing the Transformers star again!“Vanessa feels humiliated by what she perceives to be Zac cheating on her,” a source told the National Enquirer. “It stings so much more because Megan is one of the hottest women on the planet.“Vanessa demanded Zac cut all ties with Megan and swore if he didn’t, they were finished.”“Zac’s going along with Vanessa’s demands for now,” the source adds. “He swears he only went to meet with Megan to discuss the possibility of working together in the future.“But Vanessa’s not stupid — she knows Megan was making a play for Zac.”But the source adds, “Zac doesn’t want to cut Megan off entirely because he thinks a work collaboration could be box-office gold. On the other hand, Zac loves Vanessa and doesn’t want to lose her.”
meanwhile...Vanessa Hudgens claims she's been double crossed -- and now she's suing her former manager for allegedly breaking the terms of a very secret and very expensive settlement deal.The High School Musical star just filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court accusing Johnny Vieira of violating a court-approved settlement. Vanessa says Johnny broke his promise by making it look like he still represented her on his MySpace page.Vanessa forked over money to settle Johnny's beef with her back in April -- he had sued her for allegedly stiffing him on commissions.Vanessa now claims since Vieira broke their secret settlement -- she should get her money back. We'll see if the judge agrees."Dear Diary, today Zac showed me that a ball-gag is not a joke about his testicles."
meanwhile...Vanessa Hudgens claims she's been double crossed -- and now she's suing her former manager for allegedly breaking the terms of a very secret and very expensive settlement deal.The High School Musical star just filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court accusing Johnny Vieira of violating a court-approved settlement. Vanessa says Johnny broke his promise by making it look like he still represented her on his MySpace page.Vanessa forked over money to settle Johnny's beef with her back in April -- he had sued her for allegedly stiffing him on commissions.Vanessa now claims since Vieira broke their secret settlement -- she should get her money back. We'll see if the judge agrees."Dear Diary, today Zac showed me that a ball-gag is not a joke about his testicles."
new panic. wow flashback to pop punk scenester days.
i still love em though. no one does music like they do.
their debut album was still the best though.
Conor Oberst hasn't retired the Bright Eyes name. Yet.
He will make one more album under that name with Omaha's Saddle Creek Records. Release is planned for fall 2010.
“He's going to record stuff over the winter and in the spring,” said Robb Nansel, Saddle Creek president.
The 29-year-old Oberst told Rolling Stone recently that he would come back with another Bright Eyes record, the same thing Saddle Creek executives told The World-Herald in 2008. But with so many other projects taking up his time, no one had known when that might happen.And since he has released his last two efforts under his own name through Merge Records out of North Carolina, industry observers and music fans wondered if he had severed his ties with Saddle Creek. Now Omaha's indie rock golden boy, Oberst started his career as Bright Eyes with Saddle Creek as a student at Creighton Prep.
In September, he will join indie rocker M. Ward, Bright Eyes band member Mike Mogis and Jim James of My Morning Jacket to release an album as Monsters of Folk, this time with Shangri-La Music out of California.
The next Saddle Creek album will be the last hurrah for Bright Eyes. In Rolling Stone, Oberst said he'd be retiring the name, and that's also what he has told Nansel.
“My guess, based on what he's expressed to me, is that there will be one more Bright Eyes record and that will probably be it,” Nansel said. “I think that's his line of thinking at this point — closing the chapter on that moniker. I think he feels like Bright Eyes has a certain association, for better or worse. I think he's trying to distance himself a little bit from what that means to people.”
Nansel said he couldn't comment on whether Oberst would record again with Saddle Creek. Attempts to reach Oberst through his publicist were not successful.
He will make one more album under that name with Omaha's Saddle Creek Records. Release is planned for fall 2010.
“He's going to record stuff over the winter and in the spring,” said Robb Nansel, Saddle Creek president.
The 29-year-old Oberst told Rolling Stone recently that he would come back with another Bright Eyes record, the same thing Saddle Creek executives told The World-Herald in 2008. But with so many other projects taking up his time, no one had known when that might happen.And since he has released his last two efforts under his own name through Merge Records out of North Carolina, industry observers and music fans wondered if he had severed his ties with Saddle Creek. Now Omaha's indie rock golden boy, Oberst started his career as Bright Eyes with Saddle Creek as a student at Creighton Prep.
In September, he will join indie rocker M. Ward, Bright Eyes band member Mike Mogis and Jim James of My Morning Jacket to release an album as Monsters of Folk, this time with Shangri-La Music out of California.
The next Saddle Creek album will be the last hurrah for Bright Eyes. In Rolling Stone, Oberst said he'd be retiring the name, and that's also what he has told Nansel.
“My guess, based on what he's expressed to me, is that there will be one more Bright Eyes record and that will probably be it,” Nansel said. “I think that's his line of thinking at this point — closing the chapter on that moniker. I think he feels like Bright Eyes has a certain association, for better or worse. I think he's trying to distance himself a little bit from what that means to people.”
Nansel said he couldn't comment on whether Oberst would record again with Saddle Creek. Attempts to reach Oberst through his publicist were not successful.
Twilight star Robert Pattinson might not have a girlfriend at the moment, but that doesn't mean the 23 year old actor hasn't had his share of crushes.Not surprisingly, the object of his crushes have been past and present co-stars, including Kristen Stewart, his on-screen love interest in the Twilight saga.RPattz told Bop magazine, "I definitely had a thing with Kristen." He continued, "Your first impulse is to ask her for her phone number."Unfortunately for Robert, Kristen is dating Michael Angarano and hasn't made a move to end her relationship with him to hook up with Robert.Kristen Stewart isn't the only young woman that Rob was interested in after working with her. Pattinson also admitted to crushing on his Harry Potter co-star, Emma Watson. "She is really, really cool. She seems so much older than she really is. I find her quite intimidating."Despite his feelings of intimidation, he confessed "I always find myself trying to impress her. She's very, very clever."
No matter what, Robert still believes in love. He said, "I think we all have the right to fall in love several times. I think you can love ten peopleat the same time."
No matter what, Robert still believes in love. He said, "I think we all have the right to fall in love several times. I think you can love ten peopleat the same time."
1. Who will Lindsay Lohan not soon be confused for? Harry Potter. The Lohan-led Labor Pains premiered before 2.1 million viewers, per the latest Nielsen rankings, about half of what ABC Family Channel scored the previous Sunday for an offering of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
2. Who else will Lohan not soon be confused for? Lindsay Lohan. The previous week's Disney Channel airing of 1998's The Parent Trap, featuring original-recipe Lohan, also scored twice as many viewers as Labor Pains.
3. So, did the movie bomb? No, not really.
While it was by no means one of the hotter all-new cable offerings (it ranked in the 300s), Labor Pains did score a better-than-average prime-time audience for ABC Family. And if the chick-flick comedy had been a theatrical release, and every TV viewer had bought a multiplex ticket at the nationwide going average of $7.18, the movie would have grossed $15.1 million, which is more than any Lohan film has opened to since forever (read: post-Mean Girls).
And to think all you said it would bomb. I can't wait for her to start filming "The Other Side" and "Machete"COMEBACK 2010 IS IN FULL EFFECT.
2. Who else will Lohan not soon be confused for? Lindsay Lohan. The previous week's Disney Channel airing of 1998's The Parent Trap, featuring original-recipe Lohan, also scored twice as many viewers as Labor Pains.
3. So, did the movie bomb? No, not really.
While it was by no means one of the hotter all-new cable offerings (it ranked in the 300s), Labor Pains did score a better-than-average prime-time audience for ABC Family. And if the chick-flick comedy had been a theatrical release, and every TV viewer had bought a multiplex ticket at the nationwide going average of $7.18, the movie would have grossed $15.1 million, which is more than any Lohan film has opened to since forever (read: post-Mean Girls).
And to think all you said it would bomb. I can't wait for her to start filming "The Other Side" and "Machete"COMEBACK 2010 IS IN FULL EFFECT.
Taylor Lautner: Sick of Being BuffHe put on 30 pounds of muscle to ensure that he’d keep the role of Jacob Black in the “Twilight” films, but Taylor Lautner insists he’s sick of feeling like a musclehead.The 17-year-old heartthrob revealed that he can’t wait for the vampire film franchise to be over so that he can go back to being a bit smaller and quit the daily intense workouts.An insider told press, “Normally Taylor is much thinner. It’s a struggle to keep the weight on because he likes to run. He’s into martial arts and has a pretty quick metabolism.”“He says he doesn’t feel like himself. He intends to stay fit, but he says he will take off at least 20 pounds once filming wraps on the final installment of Twilight.”
anna paquin on jimmy fallon.
In one of its typically late-to-the-game, random cultural broadsides, the writers of Entourage went after Seth Rogen in last night’s episode, calling his “ugliness…oddly fascinating” in a debate over whether the actor could land a Katherine Heigl-type in real life. One might assume that the affable Rogen would shrug off the insult with a friendly, Fozzie-ish chuckle, but they don’t call where Rogen’s at a “fighting weight” for nothing! Behold, his amazing response when asked about the incident for E!’s Daily 10:
“Yeah, those guys are assholes. I actually ran into Matt…Kevin Dillon in a Starbucks. And he’s like ‘you know, I’ve got to kind of apologize because apparently the guy who created our show doesn’t like you so much.’ And I said ‘well I have reason to believe because I think [showrunner] Doug Ellin is a moron from all I can understand so it makes sense he doesn’t like me.’ And I’ve kind of said some disparaging things about the show. Although in our defense, [producer] Mark Wahlberg called us misogynistic in an interview, so I think they kind of started that…It’s on. Luckily I never have and never plan on watching Entourage.”We would eagerly anticipate a rebuttal from Ellin, but we know how foreign the idea of creating conflict is to the writers of Entourage.
“Yeah, those guys are assholes. I actually ran into Matt…Kevin Dillon in a Starbucks. And he’s like ‘you know, I’ve got to kind of apologize because apparently the guy who created our show doesn’t like you so much.’ And I said ‘well I have reason to believe because I think [showrunner] Doug Ellin is a moron from all I can understand so it makes sense he doesn’t like me.’ And I’ve kind of said some disparaging things about the show. Although in our defense, [producer] Mark Wahlberg called us misogynistic in an interview, so I think they kind of started that…It’s on. Luckily I never have and never plan on watching Entourage.”We would eagerly anticipate a rebuttal from Ellin, but we know how foreign the idea of creating conflict is to the writers of Entourage.
michael vartan on chelsea lately:
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