last night was amazing.
i saw the proposal with danielle.
the movie was definitely worth seeing.
sandra bullock has a fantastic fucking body.
yes, and ryan reynolds is fuckin yummy.
today i'm going to this anniversary dinner with my grandmother.
i should be over there by 5 o clock. hopefully it'll be alright.
but yeah, i went to a party last night. it was an eighties party.
but it was short notice so i didn't look very eighties.
met alot of interesting people, some names i don't remember
but i do remember faces.
there were just so many gorgeous faces.
i was honestly just trying to bag all of these beautiful people.
i fucking love gay women. like they really get it in.
and i just want to love and appreciate and LOVE them all.
the news has been autotuned.
lmfao.enjoy this.
the twilight craze has hit a new low.
these motherfuckers are just so shit rich right now.
Mattel will be releasing Twilight Movie dolls in October of 2009. They are currently available for preorder on ToysRUs.Ca. The dolls will retail for $29.99USD.
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.Twilight has quickly become a worldwide phenomenon developing a strong core base of dedicated fans who are drawn to the story of a Romeo & Juliet style romance between mortal (Bella) and vampire (Edward). Who better to capture the young star-crossed love of these two characters than Barbie & Ken. Edward is luminescent with a shimmering complexion and trademark gold eyes. Bella doll sold separately.
the pc guy has something to say!
poor thing this girl's a mess.
Desperately wanting to see her ex-deejay lover, Lindsay Lohan was spotted paying a late night visit to Samantha Ronson’s home on Friday night (June 19).
According to a paparazzo source, the troubled young actress was reportedly in tears in her car as she waited outside the property.
Making her way up to the doorstep, the insider tells that Samantha made Lindsay wait for awhile on her doorstep before finally relenting and letting her in.
The visit comes just one day after reports that LiLo was out partying and spent the night at “American Idol” host Ryan Seacrest’s pad the previous evening.
“Lindsay was obviously trying to hide from the paparazzi,” a photog revealed. “Ryan didn’t seem to care. It was almost as if he were proud to be with Lindsay. Ryan was laughing while Lindsay ducked down behind the seat of the car .”
“They were obviously partying inside, the music was so loud!” said the photographer. “I don’t think Ryan has any idea what he’s getting into.”
megan fox stays lookin yummy.
but she's real though, ever since that interview i read a while back
the way i look at her has completely changed. i feel like i see her now.
i dunno. weird.
The good news is that “Jonah Hex” is finally getting the recognition he deserves, with an awesome recent episode of “Batman: The Brave and the Bold,” and an upcoming “Jonah Hex” movie starring Josh Brolin. The better news is that Megan Fox plays a barely-dressed prostitute in the August 2010 film, and that sequels are in the works.
The bad news? Well, Megan is barely in “Jonah Hex.” In fact, when it comes to her role, she even went so far as to invoke the dreaded “c” word.
“It’s basically a cameo,” revealed Fox when we spoke with her recently. “She’s a twisted love-interest to Jonah’s character; my part’s pretty small.”
As fans know, Jonah Hex populates a deadly world filled with lies, lead and life-threatening encounters. Which is why Fox’s next statement made it seem even less likely that her character Leila would be returning for those sequels.
“I worked the first week, and then I was shot out of the movie,” explained the beauty, who can be seen in next week’s “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.” “My scenes with Josh were my favorite, because he really pushed me as an actor. He obviously knows what he’s doing.”
Although the film, directed by relative-newcomer Jimmy Hayward, is a no-nonsense genre flick, Fox was quick to point out that Josh Brolin approached it with the same acting chops as his recent Oscar-nominated work in “Milk.” “He’s a really amazing acting coach,” she said of Brolin’s efforts to help Fox improve as an actress. “He wouldn’t let me slide and do the things that I’m comfortable doing. Like, he really made me uncomfortable. He made me work - which I appreciate. I think that will hopefully pay off for me.”
And although Megan may not get much screentime in “Jonah Hex,” she said that the film is some of her best acting yet – and Brolin’s work may be nothing short of iconic. “He is a sort of chemically-enhanced, nuclear John Wayne on steroids,” Fox said of Jonah.
Has Hollywood gone from make-believe to fake-believe?
Sometimes a star's best performance, the one that drives the hordes into their seats and keeps them buying that pricey popcorn, happens outside the theatre.
The best current example of this is the craze for Megan Fox, whose summer blockbuster Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen opens Wednesday.
That someone so fetching stars in a fanboy fave is naturally a huge draw. The first flick in 2007, also starring Fox, grossed more than $700 million (U.S.).
But it now appears that simply being gratuitously gorgeous on the big screen is no longer enough. What has set the Internet a-Twitter are the "real life" glimpses of Fox on a photo shoot, or waking up in the morning and rolling around on her bed (sans bed head or pillow face, of course). Meanwhile (crazy coincidence!), topless pictures of Fox have leaked and spread all over the web, and she's talking to magazines about "girl crushes." And last but not least, there's a new tongue-in-cheek YouTube video suggesting that much of the computer-generated imagery (CGI) budget for Revenge of the Fallen goes to digitally mastering Fox's hotness.
The line between reality and buzz-inducing fantasy is being blurred. How, then, can we tell whether Fox is for real, or a figment of some savvy movie producer's imagination? Weighing the evidence:
Real: A "day in the life" video on Esquire magazine's website (tinyurl.com/wakeupmegan) shows her drinking beer. Real girls drink beer. She's also seen eating, and it looks as if she's eating something greasy. Real girls do that, too (though her "eating" looks more like "lip-licking" and "breast-touching posing as crumb-brushing").
Fake: Same video. No one, not even Angelina Jolie, wakes up looking like that.
Real: She has crushes on cute boys, the current one being a South Korean singer named Rain who sings a lot about rain.
Fake: Someone so gorgeous talking about having a "girl crush" is just too good (for the lads) to be true.
Real: Fox gives real live interviews to real live reporters. Also, she has a Wikipedia entry, and they check those things.
Fake: Wikipedia (and other sources) reveals that her last name was changed from Foxx to Fox. Suspicious. Take the "n" out of her name, and you get "Mega Fox." And her resemblance to Jolie has spawned the nickname "Angelina 2.0."
Real: She was nominated for a big award: an MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance.
Fake: C'mon, it's MTV. Remember, Milli Vanilli won a Grammy.
Real: Rumours abound she'll play Lara Croft in a Tomb Raider prequel, taking a role made famous by Jolie, a real Oscar-winner. "What you end up doing is working your butt off. That's just something you can't fake," said Jolie of her role.
Fake: Fox doesn't have the role. Yet. Perhaps the CGI needs upgrading.
Two new topics concerning the latest movie in the Harry Potter franchise aka Half Blood Prince, and some would consider these major spoilers and as such may be seen as revealing as say when Warner Brothers released all those damn clips from the film Goblet Of Fire before the film was even released. So, to which I will put these under the cut.
One concerns the excuse the British Film Classafication Board has given to the rating of the sixth film in the series which includes some really detailed descriptions of two key scenes that appeared to help sway their decision to give the film a 12A rating. These sound really promising and give me new hope in this movie and that it will be more than this damn rom-com bull crap. The next, and possibly more explosive release, is the full Tom Riddle memory scene in HBP that was shown at the recent MTV awards is now online with a slightly longer cut.
The explanation contains what some may consider as spoilers, so please click the link below to continue reading! BBFC's rating explanation:
'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince', a fantasy adventure film based on the book of the same title, finds Harry and his friends returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their sixth year. The film contains moderate threat. The moderate threat occurs in one quite scary sequence in which Harry and Professor Dumbledore are attacked by menacing looking creatures that have emerged from an underground lake. Harry is pulled into the lake and dragged beneath the water.
The scene has the potential to upset younger or more sensitive children.
In another scene Draco Malfoy kicks Harry (below screen) and appears to break his nose; blood can be seen on Harry's face. Tables are turned later on in the film when Harry defeats Malfoy in a wand battle in the school toilets. Malfoy, who is rendered unconscious, has several bloodstains on his white shirt and his blood can be seen to mix with and cloud the water on the flooded floor. Malfoy, however, is soon completely healed by a nearby teacher.
The film contains mild language including the words 'God', 'bloody', tosser', 'sod', 'hell' and 'git'.
The link to the said longer Tom Riddle memory scene can be found here -
Source - www.mugglenet.com
I am glad that the more recent bits of news of this movie shows that the darker, more sinister elements are being kept in this film so hopefully like POA I will get the gorgeous visuals along with a more sinister and cruel edge to the proceedings. I will always lament the loss of Cuaron from the HP as imo he was the best thing that ever happened to them, but if Yates can give me something akin to it in HBP and indeed Deathly Hallows then I will be happy.
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new lyrics post tomorrow.
look forward to it.
i'm talking to no one.
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